Nursey, please check yor PM's. [img]
And how you WISH my dick would break of in YOUR butt so you could keep it 4EVER! [img] What ees your gripe ,...
At first the link i made to "The Land of the Free' worked. Then it did not-i try again so Lestat can read what I wrote about Mees Anne Rice's...
Let's do it here, Danza. You aren't a WOP, and I am. Your judgment sux, in general--look here-- <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote...
I weel do so, Rattilla. But ANYBODY can register there eef he wish. No money required. You just say 'NO!' when they ask. You gif any address, even...
Lestat, I am posting thees link for you to read my post about "The Servant of the Bones", a very good book. [img] Sometimes my English ees not...
Danza and fagARoni the SAME? [img] That idea mak me so sick I write English even better! That ANYBODY could confuse ze handsome sophisticated...
I have been told before my English not so good. So I don't want to make the nice Fuglies mad at me too much. So I asked my roomate--we haf a...
To Meester Martin, Twice today i read your home page about ze September 11th. I read eet twice because you said exactly ze way zome of us think...
I should NOT have mentioned such strange impossible things. : eet is only a JOKE, because Fagaroni ees very tired, hees mind wanders back to old...
No, Nursey,certainly not Marilyn. Danza heemself notta know what weel happen eef I choose to employ my 'strega' inna vendetta. Things weel happen...
I weel try to duck under ze dangerous laser rays of hatred and stuff crackling through ze atmosphere, just to say that I think eet ees nize that...
Astroglide notta ze best lube product. Nobody use eet anymore. [img] Ze absolute best lube made ees EROS. Once you try eet you never settle for...
I live weeth a boy and a girl. She tell me she always buy ze September Vogue. So I look at eet in ze store today and I not even spend four bucks...
Ze Tony Danza ees really a nize man. he gifs to charity. Do notta do wrong to him--eet issa bad karma. And he has a voodoo lady mak you haf CAR...
Being 'fat' ees notta so bad as long as one ees not morbidly obese. Lak zome guys and wimmens inna looziana weigh lak 300 or 450 lbs. That ees bad...
Goddess Yummy, that ees notta man--that ees a dirty hairy APE! Butta thanx for making ze FagARoni more straight. That does it! That bad Nursey...
Thees lady has a fine site of peeples who say they are vampires. I think itsa because they have period blood. [img] Ze site ees called "Drink...
Here ees ze peecture of one of ze Vampires. peeples should go to Drink Deeply and dream, tell her how Beeyutiful she ees. [img]
Separate names with a comma.