Show what? Rat: "I saw Paula Poundstone Friday night. It was pretty damn funny and so were the jokes she made about child molestation and her...
UK Questions The Brits invented the whole idea of a Constitution. It was called the Magna Carta, and if one has not read it in a long while, the...
UK leadership? Why would Blair be considered a dumbass dufus NOW? He was highly regarded by Bill Clinton and actor Kevin Spacey. Did his...
UCICARE wrote: "The more I read and hear about everything, the more I think that US World Domination is a good idea. Natures way is survival of...
pop goes the weasel From Nurzi's post: "Quote: John D. Rockefeller 3rd (Disinfopedia) "The young Rockefeller also developed his own...
New Babylon replacement?
Eh, who cares Don't get worked up, Nursey. It was a bunch of crumbling old ruins anyway. You know 'war is hell' & all that. Maybe American...
NURZI Hey Peeps, I came all the way from HERE: Hunting for Nursey, who went AWOL. I miss her.
HAARP & Skalar OK, I can accept that all this uber-science is true. I understand Nurzi's paranoid sounding links, and appreciate the info. The...
Nurzi the Nazi Nursey Nurzi is a NO GOOD NAZI who makes me Nauseous. LOL I actually came looking for the little deranged slut because she...
Gawd, this Fugly forum is STILL loaded with ignorant tards who don't know shit about any real music. Have crack and meth just completely eaten up...
Some idiot said: "I wouldn't fuck that bitch with a STOLEN dick! God DAMN! She's uglier than Paris Hilton...yeah, that Skelator looking cunt. Both...
hey Nursey and Pimp, I suppose that the everlooming presence of Myrllyn made you 2 vacate the premises of 'The Land of the Free'....
Citykat, I'm trying to keep this topic forward, so you will see it. Did you NOT go to a doctor betwwen July 4th & now? You should have. But do it...
Hey, IHJ, I really am bi/gay and I think Gay pride parades & the idea of gay marriage are ridiculous. But you know what? That name you use 'IHJ'...
Man, you speak beeg truth, LOMO, beeg truth. Who but the government-subsidized can afford lots of kids. [img]
Honeybaby, I don't know where you are, but you need to visit the nearest emergency room ASAP. You need to be checked for several possible problems...
Whoever that woman is, she is no skinny skank. Looks just about right. [img]
Son of Spam: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote Wearing Mommy's dresses being something SOS is no doubt well practiced in. [img]
Pimp, lots of people at a couple of sites really like you. Your perspective is illuminating and always logical, and you are a person of high...
Separate names with a comma.