fucking butts
Hi sosheopath! :)
Chunkie i saw anothir picksure wear she was holding her arm over her gut to hide the fat rolllls, but oh well... we cant always be skinny. that...
[img] oh... your chunky gurlfrned is from the UK too? is that dirt or a tatew on her arm?
Duh like die and cum back as a ghost. Wut is so hard about that?
I took the class clown. I wondir what my boy tommeh is?
Iam going to fuck all of the members of TAPS starting with that Steve guy. Iam gonna fuck all of the tatews off of hiz body and then I am going...
Me two!!!
Eye doo.
Wecum visitirs!!!
Yew had it rite the furst tyme.
This thred is old.
In a wirld of hurt. Tommeh has been on home confinemint for............?
Hehehehehehe. :p
I jist sit down. I havent hovered since I was a lass.
pennies dont rust becuz they dont contane iron. they oxidise, dumbass evin eye new that
I mean tommeh? His throat yogurt is getting cold.
no one wants to hear about your threepenny bits
arent you as thick as shit in the neck of a bottle!? you wood think something like that i might puff on some sum pink cigar from time to time...
Separate names with a comma.