He didnt derserve anything? A jury of his peers and a judge felt otherwise. If you are going to say that the motorcyclist was at fault too as...
Lotta people record the rides, look it up on youtube, nothing new. Sheesh, not everyone that wants to record their trips is looking to get hit,...
Well, from what my MSF instructor told me when I took the class, he said that there is nothing in the laws here in CA that says its illegal, but...
Oh damn, I totally forgot the youtube link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GH8D2EqDZs
I was watching this video of this guy in California ( I think near me in San Francisco) and anyways, he was going a tad fast while traffic was at...
Damn, this actually shakes me up a bit more than Michael Jackson. I guess maybe because I actually think he was good at what he did. But...
so long as losers keep on dying I dont mind. Why was this guy famous, for selling stuff people dont need?
Because everyone knows, inviting kids to your house when you are a grown man to sleep with you can only end in in a happy way.... Why the fuck...
eh, is it bad if I dont feel bad for him?
Ive checked Craigslist and so far, I saw 5 ads on the same bike (varying mileage) and I inquired after they had sold and most told me they sold...
Everytime I try to make some sense of what heaven will be like, I end up trying to explain so many things about how things could work there, that...
My brother's friend bought a brand new motorycle (ninja 250) last year and only put 1000 miles on it. HE wanted to see it I guess because he...
Personally, I would never let someone I got knocked up,have one, no matter what the law says. Call me old fashioned, but I think its the...
Its called evil and free choice. God cant control the actions of everyone, its kinda the downside of having free will. Not everyone chooses to...
lol, yeah, im sure you ran it over with a half ton car and it just got a slight bump on the ol noggin. Its safe to say its a raodkill pancake...
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/05/30/MNUO17TJ3B.DTL&tsp=1 I think its worth researching trying to find a way to create...
Dont worry, as soon as I see a torrent, Ill watch it.
I think its exciting and interesting.
I bought two of these, two months ago, one for me, one for a friend of mine ( I owed her something for some favors) and wow these are pretty cool....
Separate names with a comma.