hell yeah, mix it up with some vodka, and you got yourself a white russian
hahaha, i hate fat bitches, so she had what was comming.
Oh yeah, the smell, its fucking gross and tastes almost as bad.
IMC, dont tell me you've never tasted you own cum.
I dont understand why you women even swallow, cum tastes like shit. What ever they are paying porn stars, it ain't anough
sandniggers got their revenge today, 10 dead kykes and over 40 wounded. 10 down, 10 million to go
Well, she is still pretty hot, good for you Ulfur
I'll bet thats you, and your boyfriend took those pics
that fucking sucks
Mescalin or shrooms is the best shit. however i like getting stoned and laughing my ass off looking at a porno mag
thats cool, in a geeky nerd kinda way, but still cool. i think its cool that he took thé time to do it
hahahahaha fucking great
shit forgot, its spelled Århus, that first letter is one that opnly exist in denmark, its kind of like an OR-sound. copenhagen is way than århus,...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dubya: I also got a blow job within 25 minutes of meeting a bird....
nice red X's, is there a link or something where you can see the car+
is that page a joke or is it for real?
im from a little piece of shit courty called denmark, never heard of it? our goverment is one of the little cocksuckers that followed bush and...
Knight-Rider Esqe 57 most of it was luck, i was 7 when the '80 ended so i only remember some of the cartoons
good for you Lomo, always nice to get laid. I got laid last week, fucking first time in nearly 2 months
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kaptain Skitzo: Do you know an "Angie" that...
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