I WIN!!!!
Forget the internet. You need sex toys... unless your relationship with your dog has intesified.
Only you would find that remotely shocking barry, so don't attempt to place any motives to what I do. You don't know me, and besides, you're not...
Who gives a fuck? Hospitals kill people all the time, giving patients morphene to "help with the pain" knowing full well it will kill them.
I dream of Jeannie, and our lord - Jesus Christ... engaged in group anal sex.
Even if that were the case, I'd actually be a man. I'm simply letting Barry know that he can hit on you all he wants, of course Pimp is going...
You're damn right I was fucking angry about it. I won't have you putting words in my mouth. I explained god knows how many times exactly what I...
Well at least she didn't start off on her usual conspiracy theories of a joint Israel - US plan for world domination. You're qualified Barry, what...
You can fuck right off with that one nursey, seeing as you're incapable of quoting me correctly I'll do it myself. There's no edit feature, I...
You may have missed my earlier post, I don't align myself totally with science. Then we can stop debating this, we can deny we have any...
I'm not back-peddling at all, I've spent the entire thread arguing against the idea of a pre-defined identity. I'm not arguing for it now, so the...
Well you may hate me for this, but I have absolutely no argument with that. Emotions are chemical reactions in the brain, scientists are pretty...
IN essence. I want the edit feature back.
bring it in then, just don't snap at comments I make, or I'll do the same back. I am honestly trying to have a rational debate, I admit I use bad...
No, I've been enjoying it this far, the accusations of being racist for using what are genuine opinions (of racists) in irony to try and prove a...
You just don't get it do you pimp? It was supposed to be a "pigshit ignorant racist remark" -- that was the whole fucking point! And if your...
Well my excuse would be that it was used as an example, as something many people think and say (kilroy being a good example here) and using their...
It's based on the question of "what is truth?" We moved from a phase where truth was dictated by religeous dogma, where people whole-heartedly...
OK, I got his date of death wrong, although he would have been perfectly situated in the middle ages. There's nothing absurd or outrageous...
Separate names with a comma.