Yeah BB, if u weren't so busy SUCKING HORSE'S COCKS, [img]u would know the Movies r only available on Fidays. U must be pretty FUCKING STUPID,...
and what the FUCK is up with the constant shuttle updates?? Jesus Christ, I feel like PUKING [img] out of sheer boredom.
what the FUCK r u talking about, NIGGER FROM GUELPH??? ------------------ I'm a VAGITARIAN
U weren't supposed to answer this thread. Now I b roke the FUCKLING rule too. [img] ------------------ I'm a VAGITARIAN
I changed the fucking thing 2 days ago ------------------ I'm a VAGITARIAN
well, I miss the FUCKER but Im not gonna get all GAY about it ------------------ I'm a VAGITARIAN
For fuck sakes SBD, figure out how to post a fucking pic. The instructions r in the UBB code link. And stop testing in everyfucking forum. U got...
u didn't steal it from me GAS. I stole it from someone else. It's all public property anyways. And furthermore, Drag_on is a COCKSMOKING TEENAGED...
would u spend any time with me?? That whole vibrator thing in the other topic kinda gives me a BLUE VEINER [img] ------------------ I'm a VAGITARIAN
I'll start: Drag_on is a DONKEYRAPING SHITEATING ANALCOCKRAPING FUCKSTICK. I stole that from various threads in this forum, but they all sound...
fuck my cat?? [img] ------------------ I'm a VAGITARIAN
what the FUCK does that mean?? [img] ------------------ I'm a VAGITARIAN
Yeah fag_on, U DONKEY RAPING SHITEATER [img] Tell us a really good one. u r really starting to bore all of us. Your GAY right??...
it kinda turns me on the way u say that [img] ------------------ I taught yumyums how to change her fucking signature
they do. And they both belong to TIMEFORFUCKINGYUMYUMS. Apparently..... ------------------ I taught yumyums how to change her fucking signature
yeah just keep posting shuttle updates. They r very FUCKING interesting. [img] [img] [img] ------------------ I taught yumyums how to change...
that's pretty FUCKING FAT [img] Post a pic... ------------------ I taught yumyums how to change her fucking signature
PB Wrote: "I'm not sure if youre takin the the piss or not...Just give me a slagin if you were." I have no idea what the FUCK u just said. But I...
well, maybe it's me PB, but I can hardly ever see your fucking pics unless I steal the properties and paste it directly into my browser. I have no...
holy fuck, u spend a lot of time on this site. It's cool to be here, isn't SANDNIGGER? ------------------ I taught yumyums how to change her...
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