Either its that. The war between angels and devils, with demons and men as cannon-fodder, or its the cloaks and daggers that prepare...
Or the Dixie Chicks ?
Der Juden ?
From the text: What constitutes a minimum gene-pool , and how easy will such a minimum hide ? Cryptozology is a field full of shysters. You...
I am sorry if that nipple comment seemed to exclude nipples of other hues. That was not my intention. I have played with nipples of many hues and...
The lack of democracy has been run by the rightwing and pro-US. It is no wonder that the mexican voters react. :?: :?: :?: Or you could...
In highcost-countries in north-america and europe, the labor-cost is a minor contributor to overall production cost. When you add the benefits...
Smurf wrote Likely they did, but according to the basic understanding of microcosmos thats the explanation. Wether they found a flaw or a...
Sending particles back in time was first done in Denmark. Your whole "if you are thinking of" and then filling in with one specific example...
Have to concede! The rest of the world is a world behind the US. In all weaponsrelated research. Not just medicine. But as for basic science old...
ALL of modern science ?!? Damdan ! That quite impressive ! US morons would probably be the europeans, or is it "foreigners" all in all ? All...
But god bless Warren and Bill and all teh other ameriacn giants .
Whadta merican acomplishmensit!+ What did uyouy create ? Not the shouldre of giants thing but plain. It aint much. Not the art of flying, not the...
Do you have perfect pink niples as well ? Ill finish my vodka now and consider the continents.
The USantimonopolylaws have been good for democracy. European envy on the othetr hand seems superfluoud to comment. Illiterate obeeze...
Then again. The free market car jobs, make for a lot of that extra travel time, since a greater area of population competes for the same jobs....
Mans destiny is allways up to himself. Thats not about capitalism.
Big medicine was never a private enterprise thing. The public hospitals was the big one. Free market enterprise is more about boob-jobs. Amd as...
Real tits take more titplay. Those jobbers are just for looking. Doublecheats :(
Would you care to elucidate my ignorant self on that last comment, dan ? I seem to misunderstand your pretentions at discourse. My dillusion...
Separate names with a comma.