sorry to disappoint. next time hold out for a bottle of thirty year old scotch and save a glass for my ghost.
"To truly honour our veterans of our wars great and small, is to forever cease making more of them" what is not to agree with about that?...
didn't Emily Dickinson write a poem about this shit?
i...i'm speechless... :shock:
oh my fucking god..that is awful!! hehehehe.
nothin i would do, but whatever floats yer boat... read about one woman who has an orgasm everytime she sneezes, tho..
that's sad.. now i want to listen to some doors music and that song 'the needle and the damage done'..also 'that smell' by lynrd skynrd....
i take luvox and clonapin. then hyrdochlorithiazide and metoprolel. and then hydroxyzine, and once in a while use my inhaler, combivent.
wow I get drunk and make a stupid post one night and people who are still obsessed and talk about me having no life but appearantly have none of...
my Dad called from Cali..he wanted to know if I who in the country didn't??? what disgusted me even more than the verdict, if that is...
fucking i don't know sometimes..i just don't know..
actual name of an actual punk band: THE RUSTY COATHANGERS AND THE BLOODY CUNTS
He is really in Mobile, AL??? no shit? Didn't know that..
I've seen this before..I think the world is coming to an end, and he will end up being one of the two prophets testifying after the rapture in...
A BREAK FROM SERIOUS STUFF??? wtf?? nursey, I am depending upon you to elucidate and educate me~! well fuck.
brown nosing? never..I will kiss ass all day and night, but only the cheeks..anything else is just not what floats my for the last...
that pic is the most useful one I have ever seen on fugly...heh..of course I will be a nice bitch and post the link to it at other places of course..
Separate names with a comma.