I saw that video a while back on another site and it freaked me out but like you said the baby is laughing at the end but I still don't think it...
I drive mostly late at night and there is no traffic at all but when I do venture out in the daylight hours it amazes me how many bad drivers...
Obviously I wasn't thinking at all,damn I guess that is why I am a spiteful loner,I can't spell.
Sorry a little drunk typing,maybe I was thinking about winning the loto.
Took the test again and was a little more honest...
my results...
I tried one once,it worked well but I still like the taste of the smoke.I hope it works for you.
Hey Pukey very sorry to hear you are not feeling well.Just wanted to say that no matter how you feel today tomorrow is another day and it might...
Tried Stella Artois recently and it was pretty good but I like my ales;Alexander Keith's IPA and Oland Export are my favorite now.I would like to...
A woman I work with gets vertigo when sober and it is something with her inner ear,she is taking meds for it now I think.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLKExuHlQMQThis is where our energy research money should be going I think.
Canadians definitely don't hate Americans ,I have worked in the tourism industry dealing with thousands of Americans for almost 20 yrs and for the...
I agree what does someone need a fourwheel drive suv for in most places,half the people that drive them don't know how fourwheel drive works,they...
Kind of f*cked up that last post as it was supposed to say my view on Iraq and the realtionship of the US invasion of Iraq and world oil prices...
Try this it is near the end of the album http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66nqhVtq6xo
I love Division Bell ,have you ever listend to Roger Waters Radio Chaos ?It is a great themed album.
This might have something to do with my view on Iraq and the relationship of the US invasion on world oil...
Never tried opium,just pot and variants,oil,hash.Anybody ever try salvia?A couple friends have told me it is the most intense experience of their...
I guess I don't really have a favorite but I really like Pink Floyd and David Gilmour I guess.The Wall is my favorite and for some reason every...
Separate names with a comma.