They don't allow the inmates off broadmoor internet access it riles up the blood,but before you go to bed tonight GP i think you should probably...
Portland maine?????
hahahahahaha now this is fugly shit hot.fuck 0off im stoned.
a 12 pack of pork scratchings and about 20 cups of coffee. they call me the mr motivator.
Your choice pimp you can either ring me and ill deliver em to your door or there gonna be doing the backstroke,just like my mum im easy either way.
now thats the kind of head wrecking shit i remember from fugly,made no sense and the guy in it looked like my dad but damn good all the same. OI...
mam,whats a squirter??????
congratulations ill send my mam over with your present.
You always put it in a way i can understand dwaine,cheers ill go ask my mam.
Ive viewed 3 threads and not understood any of em,ever since the iq level was raised in here ive not been in,cant we have a retard board?
being mentally inferior to you all your gonna have to explain what a squirter is?
wasnt there a fugly chat years ago when i first joined this site? What game is this cos i want it NOW.
We got to puppys in march a male and a female we got em cos some cunt was after drowning em,anyway anyone know how old puppys have to be before...
See dwaine its not just me thats confused easily,is that all you want the stretched pennys from the souvenir machines cos i could get you a...
That guy rocks they should replace uncle sam with him,you really met him?
oh go on then.
Hi mum is that where youve been? ive got 3 dogs 2...
Aaaah now its all making sense,i live 250 miles away from london and i aint going all that way just to get you some stretched pennys,hope that...
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