He was the only thing that kept me from spending my life savings on an overdose of crack, cocaine, morphine, and crystal meth in a big ole coke...
Why don't you come over and fuck with these people for a while. It's fun and easy. http://drslounge.studentdoctor.net/forumdisplay.php?f=25
Come on man. You know you talk like that and you are walking a fine legal line and might be meeting some secret service agents and doing some...
Fuckn Commies
Elvis in Vegas cracking up halfway through are you lonesome tonight: http://www.anelvisfan2001.com/AreYouLonesomeTonight.html
My name is dan sometimes I use my hand I like nursey most of you are ignorant ants like picnics bite my nutsac
Fuck you Dr. Phil you are a big wind bag full of farts and your wife is ugly. :oops:
That's his gay lover who he lives vicariously through when not getting reamed
I feel so much better :roll: no really. If I liked you enough you could stay home and do whatever you want or travel. I have to like you. I...
Come on Samantha what have I ever said to make you think i don't love you. If that is in fact your picture I think I could love you enough for...
FUCK YOU espescially Nursey whose pussy i probably tight with those small supple breasts.
ha ha ha I got him good. Applause? http://drslounge.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?p=4081195#post4081195
Nothing illegal, nothing unethical just you trying to find a way to make yourself feel better about being a self righteous ignorant dumbass...
Just out of curiosity what posted would constitute some violation of whatever the hell their is to violate?
I let my roomates post on here with my username. I'm not responsible for the bullshit they post on here or the bullshit people on here post using...
Whats the state of things now? Anychance of going down for getting the free music?
but wait a minute he posted his password numerous times who can say which post are actually his.
How did you know?
Separate names with a comma.