I am old and know any of the new shit yall listed.
I thought that was the same thing... doh
Deer always die...even if it had minor injuries, and was put in an ambulance and taken to a vet... It would die from shock and stress. My sister...
I dont know much about it... he thought it was artistic. Kinda like when he was talking to this old guy and I caught the tail end of the chat I...
I was telling my husband that one of our clients that uses us all the time has 3 severely autistic kids and she had called me saying she was on...
I watched it MANY years ago... I hated the blond chick and could not stop laughing when she was talking about birds. Her face annoys me. is it...
PT Cruiser .. its a car made by Chevy I have brought 2 dogs back to life... and 2 cats. oh and a bunch of puppies from emergency C sections ....
so what are you dressing as for Halloween? I have ran out of ideas... and have lost my creativity. I have already done all the characters I like...
Yeah .. thats why I would let her. I think Missy Elliott is as well. but like I said - I would NOT return the favor.... I'm a lazy part time lesbo
I wonder who will be #4000
I have disc issues as well in my lower back . I will be fine for 6 months- 2 years then all of a sudden be fuck up and not be able to move for a...
Back 16 years ago I had a cruch on Haim ... or wait I guess longer ago. Shit I forget how old I am .... anyway of course all the girls wanted...
I gots hyp mo tized by McCain's blinking ... and just like Sarah's "Joe Six Pack" now "Joe the plumber" wtf I think that is why "joeslogic"...
no , no nerve struck .... I have mostly male friends and I hear the same shit from them. I was just sayin - if it took alcohol to fuck HER ......
so how much alcohol would it take you to fuck Rosie O'Donald The Golden Girls Mrs Garrett from Facts Of Life Missy Elliott Joan Rivers...
blame Joe
I dont need your judgment ... I know Im hot for a fat chick... and really hot for a meaty chick when that comes around. right now I am a big...
next person to post ... is a dork.
I personally would rather have a chunky guy then a skinny one. but then again I am a big ol chunky chick currently ... and when I am not fat......
so who is to say you would not fuck a dude while drunk? or a goat, or a dog, or a 75 year old woman.... hmmm guys claim - I WOULD NEVER FUCK...
Separate names with a comma.