like you are going to have ________ happen to you... then it does, then you feel like I dork saying ..." I knew that was gonna happen" I get...
I hope you dont... its not fair... I never get good sex dreams .... it is never someone I would do in real life.
I need to watch news... damn kids have taken over the tvs. just watched War of the Worlds... was ok my sis told about the shootings and...
I guess people just like to text you weird stuff ... lets see the last three text convo I started with you ... broke down at a graveyard -...
Is it just me, or does anyone else smell hot infected yogurt ... get outta here skank . There is only room for one slut on this site...;. and...
actually the redneck commedian that does the "there's your sign" is NOT Jeff .. but Bill Engval (sp) I once dreamed I had sex with the "git...
shut up.. you know you would hit it
I dont know what that is...and I anit googlin it.
that does not sound like me I get yelled at about DOING chores and I aint all into the gravy and I dont like 69 here is yours he...
im sorry ... I have one too on my bottom front tooth. have had it for like 6 years, never got worse. I never fixed it.... It will get fixed when...
that was great. Im tryin to think of one for me, but it sounds so depressing ...
still here, just no one saying anything worth commenting on... I dont read the political crap.... and no one talks anymore.
he made me pose with hotwings Phatty is one sick pervert
dont poke fun cause my vag is red... or I'll poke fun cause you get no head Your dick had a sore, that looked like corn.. thats why I be...
Corey ... I do not like the word semen .. as a lady, I find it very offencive
wow 130 pounds.... what a fucking fat ass... :rolleyes:
your areolas are big and your dick is average... too damn bad it tastes like cabbage. Your navel is full of lint and cheese.. you always be...
I dont have sound, and it was funny...
ok we have a little off topic. Yet am I the only mofo that finds Daisy's cooter stuff fucking gross. I want tie her upsidedown, legs...
Separate names with a comma.