hey Joe ... all of those were while my son HAD insurance. and BTW my son does not need a new valve - he needs a new heart now. along with a shit...
I just pooted ... and won.
went to my dad's on X mas.... he got a new camera and kept tying to video me ... you know the deal " go on Rhonda say something" while a...
I have not had any plastic surgery... except for a mini tuck on my belly many years ago... I have had lips plumped a few times... and botox a few...
Carbamazepine is also a drug people use for weight loss. if she was not OVERLY thin... maybe she was in a cruch to get back that stick figure....
I remember seeing her at an awards show one time... and M&M was doing a song and she was all cracked out looking standing up and singing along...
Well I have not really had many "jobs" and none with an "Office" setting.... but anyway ... when I was preggers with Arab baby... a girl that...
wet as in covered in my own puke ... wtf
oh yeah I was outed ... right ... I forgot .. I say we all just forget it ever happened ... damn... I guess I need a new one. but I am sure I...
Geri ... keep your sick perverted mush mouth shut... but that does sond like a gift your wife would enjoy
that is where Daisy works... oh no.. I mean That is what Daisy does. She is in GA now- Phatty ...fyi glad to see we have more GA people......
this is fucking funny... I am about to head out to Tractor Supply .. last time I was there I got hit on by a dyke that works there... she was...
when I was younger... I went around doing an impersonation of Mary Jo Butafuoko... I was good at it...
it was my cat, he siting under my chair... and I think my fart was odorless.
I think the gold unicorn ear rings are safer as in germs than that elephant ... ewww I just farted and it smelled like my cats fart... weird
yeah happy b day ... i o u = 1 bj
WHAT BULLSHEEEIT .... you pose with the joke gift.. what about the ear rings... huh... or the... shit I forgot what all i sent you.
yeah I am night not it all have spelled it right... considering I can hardly spell english words... Im pretty damn sure I will not win an Arabic...
Separate names with a comma.