Something that really says "I care". Get her one of the most expensive vacuum cleaners you can find.
I think what Joe means by his comments on sitcoms is that they sway peoples views and morals through indirect means. For instance, if they "hero"...
Dude.... who the fuck are you? I know you are someone who posts here regularly.
Why would we do that? Why don't you just tell us what the suprise is?
You are an asshole for recommending this movie to anyone. Just for the record folks, this is the worst movie ever made. It's about 2 1/2 hours...
Just when I think this thread is finally dead... some dickweed comes along and brings it back up again. Can someone please close this piece of...
Were you a wrestler?
Fuck you. can you read that?
If I do lawns for the government---- and they fire me---- that doesnt mean they dont have to pay me for the work Ive already done- Not illegal or...
Its only half true Joe* Acorn is still being paid for services provided before the defund acorn act (Signed by your `Emperor` I might say)* They...
maybe i just felt like calling him an asshole.
You are insane and your links are to an insane guys news site. And nothing has disproven manade global warming although I do admit efforts were...
you asshole
No Joe They do not hate the military! A liberal fought world war 2 for us! A wonderful liberal! FDR
Why give them a trial at all, Joe? Why don't we just assume they are guilty of being "terrorists" and shoot them in the back of the head? I truly...
Joe..... stop being crazy. Please.
The south should have played Cowboys and Niggers instead.
Jesse Ventura was a elite Navy Seal long before he was a wrestler. And yes, he wasn't a structural engineer... but he knew how to blow things up...
If need be you can send some pics to my stepfather. He's been dealing in antiques for over 40 years. His clients include Dick Cheney, Cal Ripkin,...
Separate names with a comma.