Nope. I'm pretty sure it's because it's mind numbingly pointless shit. Even more so than this forum.
Wow! Yeah Ed. That'll be it. How old are you? Twelve? Maybe you can threaten to post my address again now, the one i gave you just to reassure you...
Well, i watched the video and now i want to slash my wrists. Is that supposed to happen?
[IMG] Did i mention that my aunt is Sophia Loren?
From top of the page: Did you know... The average American uses eight times as much fuel energy as an average person anywhere else in the world.
And then give me your lame excuses/sane opinion on it... This is What A Police State Looks Like
This will do for Barry: [IMG]
Creepy faker:
Sorry. I have to disagree and go with your original 'they did it to themselves to see how easily they could do it to ours' scenario. THINK, people!
I had a flashback the other day. I was walking along one of the most central points in the city when it suddenly triggered the memory of a dream...
I have about as much love for Iran as i do America. You can turn each other into 'sheets of glass' for all i care. Just leave the rest of us out...
Here is one plausible explanation...
Thankyou, Lomo! I will pass your kind comments to my brother. [img] Reiz and El Hefe are correct. The devilish, little hottie at the front is me....
That's my sister.
Yuhhhhhh...that sounds just like the sort of thing! Those swarthy, gibbering primitives would stab their own eye out just to see how easily they...
Cheeky bastard. And how did you know it's a PII i need replacement parts for?
I'm not into playing your cutesy, role-reversal game, Barbs. Go back to sniffing seats or something.
Well...thanks. However, i don't think i could get used to being called 'Barry's bitch' for evermore, so i will graciously decline your kind offer.
Separate names with a comma.