That sucks. No such thing as benefit of the doubt. I'd be pissed. I'm so sure you'd try to pass off a counterfeit bill in person. :confused:
Been watching this on netflix. Guess it was on Starz a couple of years ago but I am behind the times. Anyway, it's entertaining and each episode...
I can't stomach Feldman. He's such a (thanks for the word, GAS) hipster. And ya know why I hate Feldman so much? He gives vegetarians a bad...
Maxi pads for hospitals beds... that's pretty genius. I thought I was smart using sandwich bags filled with water for water beds for my homewreckers.
For me this was way sadder than MJ. Of course, I think MJ's death was the best thing for his career. Corey was getting into stuff and doing...
All I needed to see was that you mentioned Nickelback and I lost all interest. You don't like them, do you????!!! :confused: He looked well here. Depressed as hell but well and coherent. I would be depressed if I had to hang...
Fuck. Corey Haim died. :frown:
I think he's chasing dick.
I have seen all of those movies. Clerks was the only one worth a shit, IMO. Seeing Clerks first might have ruined the other movies. I was...
I knew I'd get nothing but sarcasm. :rolleyes:
It was on once when I was painting. I caught bits and pieces but it didn't make me put my brush down or anything.
I'm sorry but Pinkie or Pinky (?) doesn't have much sting to it. It sounds a lot like Pukey anyway. :)
Scott has a annual spot on my death pool every year. I was thinking the same thing about Aerosmith. I thought Tyler was out? And I agree...
I like how the bitch with the camera steals his bag... and films it! And what's a pinkie? Is that...
I got this cat or cats pissing on my storm door (also pissed on my little alpine tree and door mat so I had to throw them away) so I started...
Would those work for dogs? Heh. I always worry about their little bugs getting infected. One practically sits on the ground to pee and I feel...
I wish men could experience sore boobs, backache, bloating, bitchiness and painful menstrual cramps one time. Not ALL women get this (lucky...
But if you aren't posting, you might as well be absent.
Separate names with a comma.