If your not going to send a private message you have to explain so the rest of the class knows what you're talking about!
Yeah , Target issued an apology and pulled it from their site. FAGS!
Also I'll have the milksteak, over hard with a side of your finest raw jellybeans.
We just watched it like an hour or so ago...OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!!!
Fine then!!
Season? Personally I can't stand this show, but the Missus, she loves it. I think that makes me hate it more.
You'd know wouldn't ya, I mean dating that loser AC and all. Don't you have some cigs to smoke or some shit?
I did not notice, this is in episode three right? I have it on my DVR yet, now I need to watch.
Pussies or penises!!!
Thank you very kindly. You too Joe.
Now that I think about it I kinda think you might be right.
Arrested D is one of the best shows I've ever seen, it got canceled because most FOX viewers were to stupid to understand it. I highly recommend it!
No Henry Rollins???
Nauseous, you should check out the season 4 DVDs, they have a live show of the Night Man Cometh. Extra songs, extra parts, very very funny.
The new episode was really good, but I think I might say that about every episode, but this one was a riot!
Now I will never watch V the Final Battle again, I used to love that show and dont want to ruin it.
Always Sunny is putting out a xmas special this nov 17th, exclusive to dvd/bluray. A nice little bonus , it says full length, but that could be a...
Stop picking on me!!
You shush up! It's an old Eddie Murphy thing from his stand up circa 1982.
Well it definitely was funny, but I hate comcast (my cable provider) it said it the new episode was an hour and 4 minutes long, but it lied! It...
Separate names with a comma.