The soft tissue they found appeared after they soaked the bone in a solution for several days. The "soft tissue" had actually fossilized as well....
I figured it would take at leat 7. So much for underestimating Dan.
Way to change things up Dan. I was starting to wonder if you'd ever say anything witty or intelligent.
You like those beeps?
The funny thing is that you are assuming they didn't steal the election. How do you know. They're still missing 2.5 million votes. Funny that all...
I hear urine isn't nearly as bad as its reputation would have you believe.
Speaking of inventing truths, how's medical school going Dan? You molest any comatose 13 year olds this week?
Still not over, and the fact that people are calling for recounts in an election isn't exactly shocking. Good job captain obvious, since you...
Why the new and freshly liberated sexuality Ferine? Finally burn those old bra's of yours?
Because then him and Smurf would get together to talk about the weather. Mars he could still get into the forums, with a really good wireless...
Maybe some naptha? That way you can use it to fill your Zippo as well.
You should move to Jersey.
Oversimplified and untrue. I'm sure you read all about it in the Drudge report.
Mmmmm, melanoma.
So the way that the right is stupid is by pandering to the left? And I thought we almost had a breakthrough.
That's funny, because for the most part the media declared Bush the victor after the election, and then covered the recounts, which the Supreme...
Whether he wins or not is irrelevant. Bush did it in 2000 and it worked for him. This guy is doing it now, and it might work for him, it might...
Partial credit. You at least admitted that Republicans are capable of doing wrong.
There's nothing new in claiming victory pre-maturely. I remember a certain political candidate doing that in 2000.
I wonder how much the IRS costs per year in tax dollars. That would be an interesting thing to look at.
Separate names with a comma.