u maaaaÄà aaÅaaaD cause iz goin 2 heaven :)
u like Half Life 1/2, portal, or Team Fortress 2? if so i work for valve and am not completly usless
i shet maz zelf
jeff is my fav wrestler
w00t purgatory
yes, my shit has hair :red:
o rly u giz
bu...BU!!¡!¡!¿ FU MAN FU
d u meen nt-4-proft
not my fat ass. i'll be 'n one of dem der fancy space macheens
this is a thread
i feel like i have had my eyes raped
t dont look like a nerd. and i have a rattlesnake
u spelz gud
it ends with me jaking off
wellcome back :)
u have interd the land of SpAm and weird unrelated LiNkS and PiCtUrEs (gifs if posible). WARNING:this maybe too ePiC WiN for younger members.
a FAGgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
Separate names with a comma.