Thanks for all the info guys, we have decided to visit Magic Kingdom and MGM. I have been looking on line for good deals on tickets, but have not...
Taking our first real family vacation, we are taking the kids to Disney World. Unfortunally time and money are not really on our side but we are...
Speaking of Dahmer, I own a t-shirt of him in a chef's hat, it reads Chef Jeff says tattoos taste great. I bought it just for shits and grins, but...
Did you have any tornadoes? Tornadoes in Feb, thats come crazy shit. We still had a little ice on the ground from the winter storm we had going on...
I only know of one prostitute in my small town. If you can overlook her meth mouth and scabbed up skin then we could work something out....
I work in a dialysis clinic, we dialyze 40 pt's a day. It wouldnt be too bad working with coochies all day, as long as they dont stink. And plus...
Yeah it was bad too..3 dead. I saw pics of the chucky cheese I told ya about here a while back. It looked to be tore up pretty badly, not much...
I'm jazzed he made it out, his personality is great. Makes the long ass hours I work seem not so bad. Plus, I get to stick needleds in...
You guys remember my pt that we brought back a while back? Well I'll be damned, the old SOB did it again. This time ending up on a respirator for...
My retarded cousin has dysphagia so badly the doc's had to place a Peg tube. Sneaky shit still manages to sneak some sort of food from the kitchen.
Man! You guys got fucked up today!!! I seen a shit load of damage on the news this afternoon at work... They were supposed to be comming right...
It is a funny video, but had me worried there for a few, my hubby had this look in his eye like I'm gona do that you. So like I said I hid my...
You sound like my husband,always talking about plucking.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Ya, well opinions are like assholes...;)
After my husband showed me this I hid all my waxing strips. I swear to god if this had happened to me, he would of been walking real funny for...
I have a myspace page. But I guess no one likes me enough to check in and say hi or anything, so I rarely check it.
I havent ever checked that one out, but will now, thanks. And if im correct the girls name was Mary Bell, she was one twisted little fuck too..
I can spend hours on those sites. Oklahoma just recently put this dude to death, he was a sick twisted fucker. From pimping out his 2 wifes, to...
I found my highschool sweetheart, but not on myspace, He was on Okahloma DOC, looking like someone you would see on these meth posters, grill all...
Separate names with a comma.