Arrogant, narrow-minded slimeball? I like that. Cheers.
Actually I don't know who was knocking Springer or the WWF cause along with Rage Against the Machine and McDonalds they are one of a select few...
Undead Chick, I got so bored reading yet another dissection of every word that I say that I only read a few lines. I think my argument made...
Your tax money also goes on the immigrants and countless illegitimate babies, why not worry about them...
Look I enjoy a pisstake as much as anyone but you lot are a bunch of fuckups. I know plenty of handicapped ppl so I sympathise with ppl with such...
Yes Undead I would love to point out a couple more double standards - I DID explain my reasons you holier than thou fuck, they are arrogant and...
What the fuck are you talking about? What Yahoo chat? Wanker.
Bob wow you are so articulate. I can't believe you bothered to send that to someone you sad fucker. You come away from it looking worse off than...
That's it just give in to America Inc. No one else is allowed to say anything bad against Yanks.
Oh my God 525 POSTS IN THREE MONTHS? The only action you're getting is with your wrist, IMC
Clearly whatever it is IS bad for your brains Piecraft as you speak even more nonsense than usual.
Piecraft you STUPID FUCKING CUNT if you bothered to read any of his other messages you could see he can't spell for shit. You are either an...
Piecraft calm down. See this is the kind of shit I'm talking about. Americans are so righteous and think they're so fantastic. They're arrogant...
To the other two; it appears I struck a nerve so vehement your responses were. I Murder Children: what sailor? whose dick? Born loser? Why? For...
Psycho Bob you are a stupid prick. When you want my opinion you will ask for it? Isn't that the whole point of a forum? Cheesedick.
Surely even the creators of this website must be bored getting their asses licked so much by these brownnosers
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black you STUPID FUCKING PRICK you post everything twice all the fucking time! That was the first topic I...
Ho ho you guys are SOOOOO COOL! You're the funniest people I've ever come across. You're also a bunch of losers.
There's no humour in that at all that's just sick what do you do eat rats and stuff
It makes me laugh cause I spotted a lot of spelling mistakes in Dead Girls Cannot Say No. It appears Dead Girls Can't Spell either. So what if...
Separate names with a comma.