if you want UTI strips.. I can send ya some.... and here is a little tip... cut them long ways in half... into 2... thats what we do ..double your...
I half read that... I will tell you I know Neil on a personal level... and he is a great guy (with a few major crazy issues ;) - you would...
well last night I dreamed my sister and I had stolen a water bottle from an Asian hooker ... it was a metal bottle I kinda wanted from Target a...
I would poke at it for ya....
too late, they let the kids out at 12 today due to snow - we went straight to Great Clips... got a cheap cut that looks better... not great, but...
I hate performing animals ... they were not meant to entertain humans . I feel bad for fish at the aquarium... and I feel guilty for even...
well the other night I dreamed about the end of the world... earthquakes and stuff... Last night I dreamed I had a job making mix music tapes for...
few weeks... or months, I forget... the chick that normally cuts my kid's hair asked for a football sized tumor to be removed from a 40lb 17 year...
yeah I love it there... there seems to be a new trend... 70 year old ladies dressed in Ed Hardy ... cracks me up today in the mail... 2 free...
this is an ignorant question... but it is for real. Ok so someone wins a gold in some sport in the Olympics.... do they win money? I am mean I...
next person to post after me is retarded ...
all black people love fried chicken and watermellon. just sayin
oh fuck you.... dont even say shit like that. man- I never knew how many times a day you bump your toe... I really want to take a hammer...
went to Biloxi for a few days.. unexpected trip ... had 64$ in my pocket... came home with a lil over 500 ... Got pulled over.... talked my way...
yeah but the words " shoot up DOPE" was odd.... we say the words like " knock out" never- shoot up or dope.
the 10 year old needed some blood work,, I called the 2 places the doc recommended... um $1026 at the children's hospital lab and 980$ at the...
yeah time to talk about my ingrown cooter hair that has been been buggin me. I also have what feels to be an ingrown toe nail... and a zit in my...
um so the Blue Ray thing is just a hyped up DVD player... I dont think we have any blue ray disks so I dont know how it looks... I think the...
its all retarded up in here.
I know the bedroom tv is 1080..sony... but he bought a new Tv for living room... I dont know the numbers... but its a samsung ultra slim ... And...
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