648. Pope and Vatican raided (10/8/2010) To suppress the anti-war voice for the coming Iran war, an extortion on Roman Catholic is a...
90. Internet censorship (3) I suffered many harassment in internet, mostly technical proplem. Slow entering is way they used to use. Recently...
85. Chinese secret police and DNA (9/1) There are four houses in the lane I live. Two at the entrance of the lane. Let's call them A,B house....
FBI was warned of Mumbai plotter's terrorism ties By Sebastian Rotella ProPublica 10/15/2010...
10 of 11 Poorest States Are Red States! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/09/29/11-poorest-states-in-the-_n_742967.html#s146769 But why...
611. Restricted in US (10/17/09) Ten days ago, I was denied to enter the Canada in board check point. Since I have all the document and...
he CIA's Jihad Friday 28th Jun 2002 In April, 1985, more than five years after the Soviet tanks first rolled into Afghanistan, President...
645. Sri Lanka and Thailand (9/1/2010) Sri Lanka government had fought against its rebellion - Tamil Tigers for 30 years long. None got upper...
It is through these CEO, Feds ruled this country. That's why these CEO can always harvest fat bonus and pension, despite it's good year or bad...
80. Operation TIPS In mid-July, Ashcroft announced Operation TIPS in which government will recruit one million mail carriers, utility...
76. Installing something in car (7/21) Since I found they try to murder me by microwave radiation in car, I abandoned driving at last. The car...
608. Bio attack in the name of a flu (6/28/09) 1. I predicted the bio attack. Originally the Feds planed a bird flu pandemic for the framed...
CIA: Osama Helped Bush in '04 By Robert Parry July 4, 2006 On Oct. 29, 2004, just four days before the U.S. presidential election, al-Qaeda...
642. Next step, a Chinese spy ring? (8/2/2010) In #635 and #640, I alleged W.H.W. and C-lady are Chinese agents. Though C-lady once planed to...
U.K. kneeling down (10/4/2010) BP oil rig in Gulf was damaged in April 20, 2010. I alleged it was sabotage because big heads all knew in...
70. Manipulating my wife (6/25) In February 2000, when I went back to Thailand from Cambodian, I had two purposes, to get remittance and file...
605. Swine Flu time table (5/20/09) There were two attempts for bio-attack in April. One was the original 4/8 plot. It was a big plan consisted...
Proof Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11; 3 simple points blueridge Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:52 1. Usama Bin Laden's absolute,...
Be noticed the news was in later July, 2001, less than two months before 911. And Janet Reno, Ashcroft's predecessor as attorney general,...
66. Turn innocent into criminal (5/20/2002) On May 5, in World Journal's Week-ends Publish,(Chinese edition) there was an special report...
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