you've been at this forum long enough to know the name i go by?.. i changed the display name for some stupid reason and haven't bothered changing...
well nursey has addressed the unfounded sexuality and meth crap well as nursey has already said.. trailer parks are an american phenomenon as...
crank=nipple ??? smoking nipples ??? is that an american fetish? you make no sense phat.. tho i suppose it explains the 'tweaker' part and are you...
"Or maybe it was that the housing prices in London are the highest." especially kensington
crank ??? london ???
the demoncraps staged a fake burglary at their own national convention to frame the republicans as buggerers... unfortunately the dirty left wing...
??? ??? ??? a door handle?.. don't want to derail anything here but is this another example for nurseys psyche profile?
well done robodoc
actually you're probably thinking of different coloured flames in fireworks, they generally always give off white/blue/yellow smoke.. the star...
what is it with dan posting pictures of random people he allegedly knows?
actually fire smoke can be many colours, white, black, green, brown, yellow, orange etc. depends whats being burned and at what temperature
wild hogs left a big impression huh?
because a chatty household is a happy household?
yeah you're both probably right... with citizens like you around to boo and cheer in all the right places it doesn't matter which puppets at the...
hey! did the iceman ever cometh?
thanks for the invite dwaine.. unfortunately tho most channels are region locked... booo
man i hope we get to hear about it when your charged with sexual malpractice on a minor
30 seconds? 4 minutes?.. so you couldn't watch further and see the pertinent information laid out... (pertaining to the questions and facts...
is that the paedo sting thing?
it depends whether you think every life matters anyway.. got an hour to spare?
Separate names with a comma.