. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4467CI4y0M
dedicated to the quizzle bizzle nursizzle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=129pN3dobGM
wow.. the prodigal red-headed stepson returns!... mucho welcoming back jizzle chizzle.. i thought you'd deserted this online pseudo-life in...
ok i accepted your friend request in case i know you.. do i know you from EP?
i haven't checked the link.. a bit squeamish i'm afraid.. but reading the comments, i wonder. does it have something to do with this:...
are you playing that google game again or are there really pics
so anyway, yeah, i think this ass is jackasscity, not the iceman :|
i just saw this... kerching
jeff hanneman!.. hi jac
you need more energy to create hydrogen from water than can be gained by burning the hydrogen created.. basic physics.. that first video and...
so you paid for designer paint, then put it on with bargain bucket tools?
don't be raising any hopes though.. i'm one hell of a technicality:cool:
Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99 If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of...
aw thanks.. at least if i can mince my own burger and sausage meat i can be certain of it's wholesomeness.. tangling my teeth with the elastic...
this episode brought a wry smile to my face as i harken back to the late 80's and early 90's... another time when moscow was humiliated
you, my friend, are a jewnigger:)
his name is also dwaine! cheers!
[IMG] ?????? i doubt it... seriously
they doin great tommy doin great.. me mums the one who wanted 'em.. so she looks after 'em.. they been cleaned out n that.. an shes bought em some...
actually i could talk for ages about them fucking tortoises.. they're fucking great.. they really like eating fucking flowers.. and all sorts of...
Separate names with a comma.