Oh, like who on here would do that????
I didnt mean you looked like a witch. Well, maybe a smokin hot witch... :) Just the way you are offering up the apple thingy.
It looks like you are offering a bad apple to snow white. :)
That is funny. Everytime you have a hit, instead of a leaf, you get a retarded kids picture.
Yea, at a gay school. :)
True Dat
25th of December
He looks very stoic in that picture.
If Mercer was so great he would have done a ton of 'skits' on how many Americans didnt know crap about the election. They took "Commercials" of...
My office chair experienced global warming this morning. Damn NY style pizza....
So basically you use his 'laughter agenda' to propogate your 'political agenda' to show how much smarter and better you are. You use it to back up...
Ha ha ha ha What? You lived in America? You hit wikipedia or some conspiracy theory site and you know all about America? Socialist/One...
I cant believe you used buttress in a sentence. :) How about a flying buttress? I am in.
Oh wow, rick mercer, kind of like Jay Leno and 'jay walking'? You want to know how funny it is that the same people who dont know crap about...
Is that kinda like saying that Clintons so called 'recovery' was nothing more than the fruits of "Reaganomics' coming to fruition? Oh, wait, no...
I vote for nuking the whole fucking region.
Uh, I cant think of one time when the 'liberal media' or any other media for that matter actually covered anything up for Bush. Of course...
Yep, he made the shit storm as bad as it could possibly be and then decides to send troops in to a shit storm. It's only going to get worse. He...
Just saw it on the news. How cool is that? Maj, I hope you are clear of any of that shit.
What, does it look like two caterpillars fighting?
Separate names with a comma.