I have made no sexy time!!! <sadly> ..... :) Im not a cowboy dammit!!!!!!!
You should have put some googly eyes on it.
I call you one time and this is what I get....... :) ha ha ha No, I dont have 'friends' like that. Maybe people that used to be my friends.
What does it stand for? What does it mean? Can you use it in a sentence? :)
Joe, Drowning Pool sings 'Bodies', ICP sings 'I stab people'.
Yea, you know me..... OPP how can I splain it, the o is for other, the p is for people, the last p, well thats not that simple.... :)
You let your kids listen to ICP??? I can deal with Skynard and Metallica, but ICP??? Shaggy and Jay are not people I want my kids listening...
A buddy of mine had an 89 RS back in the day, the poon we pulled with that thing. It wasnt fast, but it was nice and the chicks liked it.
Any dog that has poo in the name cant be safe to keep around the house.
Take a 'labradoodle' hunting. How could you seriously call a dog a labradoodle? That has to be the queerest name I have ever heard of a 'breed'. I...
I got a pretty good rip of this. It was okay, had some pretty funny parts, Bill Murray is in it, so that adds a little to the humor. I would...
Separate names with a comma.