Didn't another spamming faggot already post this?
He is??? I don't remember electing anyone. I also don't remember seeing a LINK TO ANYWHERE in this post.
Best video ever! Good RR Bigmama!
The sad thing is...... facism was the most effective form of government of the 20th century. Too bad evil people gave it a bad name. We are...
I've never once heard a pitbull referred to as a bulldog. Although I had a boston terrier once that other (more stupid people) referred to as a...
Joe. What you're advocating is slavery for the poor. Let's list things that are bad for people. Salt Sugar Grease Oil Vinegar Aspirin Any...
Not every smoker will develope cancer. Some will quit and others will die from other complications. When it comes down to it..... 2 dollars a pack...
Oh I forgot. She reaches into a vampire's pants.... and instead of pulling out his cock, she pulls out a fetus. And she fucks a fish with...
I can sympathize. A year and half ago a stone dropped from my kidney to my bladder. Worse pain I ever felt. Its the only time I can...
That wasn't a bulldog.
But a universal system would treat old people just like younger ones. Equal health care for everyone! "We hold this to be true. God created...
Why do that at all? Fix the system and people won't need to worry about most of that stuff. People still smoke and eat poorly in France..... they...
Yes but who decides what an emergency is? I don't remember anyone offering my medicare or medicaid when I needed rabies shots. I don't remember...
I have many conservative views. I also have many liberal views. Depending on the issue.... I could go one way or the other. I can also change my...
Perhaps you are right. That still doesn't make what he (or dozens of other congressman) have done for years now. And that is sell us out for their...
Speaking of Micheal Moore... I watched Sicko last week. As I witnessed R-Bill Tauzin fight his heart out against Universal Health Care, I thought...
Can you find some photos like this from England and France? I've heard stories that these kinds of things happen in the US all the time.
Do the hospitals have to call the government to get approval for certain procedures or medicines? Do you ever get denied care because the...
I saw this movie when I was in college. It was the weirdest damn porno I ever been exposed to. I happened to find it on the internet after all...
I love this honesty. I've never in my entire life listened to woman talk about "shitting upwards", "garlic coochie sister finger smelling",...
Separate names with a comma.