Well I mean I've WANTED to murder my dad at times. But wanting to do that isn't the same as killing him. Sure Bill was a pervert who got BJs from...
No really. I missed the pedophile story. Who did the perv bang?
You know..... I see these polls for everything. From approval ratings to election polls. You know what the weird thing is? I've never been asked a...
It needs for a Big Unsexy to die.
Holy shit! The Sperm man responded. But he is talking like he isn't the sperm man. Please. Would the Real Sperm man please stand up?
Stop being insane, Joe. Democrats do not all "Live" off republicans. The problems we have are from both sides. Democrats want money spent on...
That guy is Obama's pal? They don't seem like pals to me....
Bill Clinton was a Pedophile? Holy shit! I missed that story.....
Did we lose some threads here? I seem to remember something being posted in here later than a week ago.
I'm not sure if you "defended" him.... but he is a cheating hypocrite. What he did is this. Preached Abstinence (lack of sex)... and boned the...
Ok my man. I sat through that whole thing. The only thing that song tugged at was my hair.... as I pulled it from my head.
The constitution also doesn't say "Don't Join the Klan". That doesn't mean schools have the right to encourage kids to hate.
Of course speaking out against bad things isn't wrong. Speaking up for them isn't necessarily wrong either. But if you're a hypocrite, no one...
Yes. If Jeff spoke out against Cannibalism then went home and ate an asscheek steak.... he is a hypocrite. Yes. If an alcoholic tells us not to...
You are right Joe. We are a Democratic Republic. That definetely should be taught in every school. As for the Seperation of Church and...
Yeah. Priests are bad about that. "The Lord sayeth thou shall not lay with a man like thou layeth with a woman!" all the while buttreaming their...
I didn't decide who the hypocrites were. The dictionary did it for me. And fags who speak out against homosexuality are hypocritical too. You...
Diesel is the cheapest stuff there is to make.... considering that its 40 octane. Gasoline requires more refining therefore the cost should be...
Thats like saying I made a anti-marijuana video for some school kids and then smoking a joint in front them while saying "I'm an adult. These...
Did you hear about that Indiana Rep Mark Souder? That guy was making a video promoting abstinence.... while banging a girl he was making the video...
Separate names with a comma.