Don't tell your wife about that either. Drop a line to your local mental health clinic. Let them know there may be a new in-patient on the way.
I don't have time to go over your arguments right now, but I will. As for being bamboozled, I don't think that's the case. And by the way Joe,...
Don't shit where you eat, and don't fix something that isn't broken. Your marriage is going fine, don't fuck it up. If you need some backup on...
Correction, you beat your dick like it owed you money.
Okay Joe, I'm going to go over this slowly for you. The Senate and House rejected Kennedy's version of the civil rights bill 3 times. The...
I'm going to go with Phatboy option #1.
I'm also a libertarian. I tried arguing logically with Joe, but I might as well speak to the wall. Literally every valid counterpoint I use he...
Just jump right in Dan. In addition to your fantasy of being a Dr. you can also be a homosexual prostitute and pimp.
I wish I was like you, Easily amused.
Androgenie? Have you seen my picture? How about the gay porn Nursey found that I didn't know I was in. I was drugged, I swear.
Have some chicken fingers. I hear they're excellent.
Glad to hear from you Chester, and nice to know you're doing well.
That's right Joe. Repeat that Mantra. Democrats evil, Republicans awesome. Al Gore = Evil George W. Bush = First Born Son of God
Harlan likes them. He turns them into a pulp with a Philly Cheese Steak and then spoons them up like pudding.
When did you go Catholic on me? You're going to hell with the rest of the [DK]. I'm driving the bus.
Something like that. Since when have you had a problem with wasting time?
Backwards. Hiroshima was split U235. An atomic bomb is composed of Uranium. A thermo-nuclear device uses hydrogen, which is not split, it is...
Doesn't matter. Once a tweaker always a tweaker.
It's not going to be long before all devoloped countries ban it outright. It doesn't have any medical advantages that aren't outweighed by it's...
Separate names with a comma.