Obama is releasing his long-form birth certificate. But that won't be good enough for the train wreck that calls itself 'birthers'. I bet...
Wow. Do you have the memory-span of a goldfish or something? You start your sentence by petulantly denying that you ever were in favour of warfare...
First of all, it's not a triangulation. It's a double-standard. Learn your fucking geometry, a triangle has three sides you dipshit. Secondly,...
First: Then: Contradiction much? Any form of oppression is undesirable; whether it's through taxation, warfare, or religious...
What is anti-americanism? Disagreeing with your overlords has become almost a taboo. Who gives a shit what other countries do? Isn't...
Same thing here in Canucksland.
So Obama's grandmother foresaw that her grandson would someday be POTUS and made a phonecall to commemorate the birth in the event that his...
The copy of the birth certificate had the state of Hawaii's seal on it when it was made public. Why would the Hawaiian legislature lie? Do you...
My question is why would the Democratic party go through such lengths to elect a foreign-born candidate? Wouldn't it be simpler to, say, nominate...
Re: Why is there no looting in Japan? Those facebook comments made me sick. How is a deep-sea earthquake and the ensuing tsunami payback for an...
Dude, I live in Canada, how the fuck is Obama my messiah? Bush spent too much. A fucking war costing trillions and a $700 billion bailout of...
Geez. Still going on about that stuff? These forums are a fucking ghost town. Can't blame 'em though. Joe's obsession with liberals is...
Funny you saying that. I just had a management accounting class on unethical short-term income boosting. The kind that earns you a bonus and...
I just purchased a fur-trimmed purple velvet hat, and I'm just itching to try my hand at pimping. How 'bout it? You keep 25% of the money you...
Thanks for the reply. The Obamacare has actually been in effect in some areas of health care for a while now. I think it's bizarre that the...
So let's say for argument's sake that his political views were an unhealthy mix of the movies Signs and Taxi Driver. It still opens up a debate...
This fucking forum is a mess. I betcha that some people buy that crap, some of the spams have views on 'em. They flood our forum with that crap...
Separate names with a comma.