I give a shit. If things are getting deleted and I don't know about it then I'm concerned. Can you remember one of the jokes? Try and search for it and see if it's still here. This new board only displays threads from up to a few months back but they should all still be there.
I just remember dan had a bunch of off the wall dumb ass posts. Like the one about the unconcious girl. Then about the time we changed to that other bbs, it disappeared. I was under the impression he contacted on of you and requested it be deleted. Around the time someone found him on that nursing student forum. Where he was basically posting shit he read on here. I know there are a few of mine I wouldnt mind being deleted. But then no one would know who everyone was making fun of.....
Yeah, Dan never contacted me and asked that I delete his posts. You're saying it was around the time we moved to the bbs before this one?
monsieur mezzek.. you doth protesteth where no protestation is necessary!.. i am not lodging a complaint!!.. my complaining was done years ago, and you have many times apologised, and it's no longer a problem.. obviously you've forgotten, again, but that's fine. you always forget, and i always remind you. as long as one of us remembers it's all good i only brought it up because the thread was about old posts being used against people, and i was just remarking that my oldest posts are gone so i'm safe!
It was when we changed from forums.fugly.com and went to, what, fuglyforums.com? Before we turned everything white and blue. I dont care that they are gone, I just remember them missing, someone made a post about some bullshit he posted, but they couldnt reference it cause it was gone. From his side, I wouldnt want that shit posted out there with my name, and face, all over it. The way he was blasting poor people and his drunk ramblings. I dont think anything of mine has disappeared, Im not narcisstic (SP?) enough to go back through my old posts.
I honestly don't remember deleting anything. The forums were set to only display topics from the previous month. I reset that to show all topics so maybe they will show up now. As far as an automatic thread pruning feature, there is none built in to the bbs as far as i can tell. There are addons that will do that but I have not installed any. If you find some default feature that is doing that, please let me know but I could not find anything like it. Anyway... have a look at this http://forums.fugly.com/showthread.php?p=152614#post152614
What do you mean? A post you made in that thread was deleted? Where was it in the thread? I don't remember ever reading this one.
Oh. Well I'm telling you, I didn't delete Pimp's threads. He must have done that himself when you were allowed to edit things or it happened with all the hacking crap.
I don't remember ever having any way to delete all the post by any one particular member and, even if I did, I don't think I would have because it would have screwed up all the threads that that member was ever involved in. Also, I haven't ever had a fight with Pimp so why would I suddenly decide to delete all his posts? I have emails from people from back then, chewing me out for things I said to them but I swear to God it wasn't me who wrote them. I'm sorry if posts for deleted but I am sure it wasn't me who did it. I really think that with all this hacking crap that went on, somebody was sending messages to people as me and screwing up the site. Do you have any old emails from me that you thought were weird? If so, please forward them to me along with any headers you still have so we can check if they came from me or not. I honestly don't remember ever deleting Pimp's posts. I always felt kind-of bad for the guy after all that shit happened with people visiting from out of town and all. And I definitely wouldn't have messed up the continuity of the threads by deleting all of somebody's posts.
I saw you mention that so many times but I never thought it was real that someone studying to be a Dr. would say something like that weather serious or even for shock value. Now I'm getting the impression he really said something like that?
So... (in getting back to the original topic), you're saying that some so-called 'authority' had a problem with the name "I Murder Children?" Imagine that. Tell that traveling salesman to kiss your ass (and while he's walking out towards the sidewalk, ask him if he's got any children... Just to fuck with him...)
Was it you on the post count reset? I have had random posts deleted also. I admit some of them should have been. But I had pic threads I started deleted. Hell I had one deleted today when I told a spammer to drink drano.
'Somebody' has deleted a post I made, 2 even, now I look at it, from the 'I have a game..' topic created by fugly It does happen and I'm not best pleased, because what I posted was on topic and normal.