Discussion in 'Random Media' started by DDDouble, Oct 2, 2005.

  1. DDDouble

    DDDouble New Member

    How Creepy is this dude? It's just a really bad pic... but wtf???...
  2. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Are you stupid or just plain retarded?
  3. Ferine

    Ferine New Member

    ...I don't get it...
  4. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Who left this huge turd floating in the bowl?
  5. Ferine

    Ferine New Member

    I blame Dwaine...
  6. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    This post inspired me to write a poem. It's a traditional Haiku. I hope it helps you find peace.

    Your mom rolled through.
    I hit that like a caveman.
    She moaned like a whore.
  7. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    I did :!:
    And it felt grrreeeaaat :roll:
  8. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Mike don't float... ask schmed
  9. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    You guys scared him off. Now we'll never find out what the fuck he was talking about. :(
  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    It was probably in reference to this pic:

    Now i fully understand what it means to resemble "a smashed can of assholes". :idea:
  11. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    Hmmm, you could be right. Then again, you could be a horses ass. Since you don't show your face, I must assume that you think you're fucking ugly, probably hideous. My sympathy goes out to you, my child. Yours is truly a wretched soul.
  12. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Nursey has posted her picture many times.

  13. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    And I am supposed to be impressed. Which one is she anyway? They're all fucking ugly.
  14. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Nurseh, it's my fault, I used a piece of rebarb on her face instead of a cinderblock... I won't make that mistake again I promise
  15. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    I certainly didn't do that to impress some fucked-up looking she-male. You had an intrest in how she looked, so I showed you.
  16. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    You boys are fucked up! You need to get out more often. You have your noses stuck so far up that ugly girls ass, that you can't see the world around you. Wake the fuck up, man!
  17. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    I am not a lesbian. Trust me, my head is no where near Nursey's ass.
  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Oh observations appear to have caused offence. I must therefore assume the image in your avatar is really you! And as if that wasn't bad enough...coupled with that nightmarish predicament, it seems you do actually care about how you look!!?! Who could blame me for thinking i wasn't telling you anything you didn't already know? I mean, it IS, afterall, the truth.:| Let's try and put it a little less brutally than 'can of smashed assholes'.
    "Lucy, sweet Lucy, you look like ~soft, puffy marshmallow, bloated to sumptuous proportions on the lumpy, clotted ejaculate of a sweaty, wheezing group of middle-aged men~. Damn...ok, another one.
    "Darling Lucy, has anyone ever told you you resemble the most precious, petrificated, white dog turd with a 'hot, fuckable' blood clot thrown in for a mouth". This is useless! Damn you Dwaine!:x To could have squished the demonic abomination and put an end to it's tortured existence before the reality of its true nature had a chance to permeate it's eternal soul.
  19. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    :oops: ahem, cough cough..., my apologies. I was reading without looking to see who wrote it. But if you had of been ...... or ....... :evil:
  20. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    You just get on back in there and wash them dishes. :roll:

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