Boy, 7lb 7oz born 9/11 (anyone see a theme here?) Mum and baby perfectly healthy... 38 hr labour!
The little bundle is due today, so as soon as I reappear I may well have to disappear! Typical.
Wotcha fella, how's tricks?
As it happens I've been a very, very good boy and I am about to become a daddy. So I thought I'd get used to being in front of the 'puter again...
No, not football, I do play rugby, but very slowly nowadays. And no Pukey, you didn't hate me, but there's plenty of time yet... how are you?...
For some strange, totally unexplainable reason I have feel compelled to dip my toe in the murky waters of Fugly once more. Has much changed?...
How do all...
Separate names with a comma.