Me zinks... Zee only cup you're interested in, lies within zee pants of zee players... ;)
Me thinkz there'z a deeper reazoning behind zhis whole BJ notion... Vat vould joo attribute zis to?
Zee virst zing ve need is a disco ball... Let zee ladiezzz know vhat iz in store...
Vhere is my prehsenz? :frown:
Zee taint can be a very sexual thing... Are vee sure you're not repressing?
Zee problem vith Dan zeems to be zee dizassoziation vith hees sexuality und hees ideentity. Vhen von cannot place zee right emphesis on zhere...
I zink zee problem vith Barry's pee-pee has manivested itzelf unto zee preoccupation vith zee steak, perhaps?
Oh, sure... blame it on zee Jews! :D
Buy my book! Buy my book! You know you vant to...
Vith Barry und his pee-pee.
Take two of theez, und call me in zee morning! [img]
Separate names with a comma.