You old moron, once again you do your best to seem to forget that us left-winning people are much less likely to attack our opponents than you...
I started this thread targeting specifically shitslogic. Then the other shit-lover flies like you came in (either of your own or because...
Yeah, like it takes a total retard to laugh with another total retard! Day care center jokes, and they want to be taken seriously What's next,...
Oooooooh, sounds like little peebaby is upset, poor little thing! Poor little thing doesn't like to be exposed as an ass-kisser, right? Then why...
So what? The American establishment inaugurated the practice long, long before the October Revolution. Home and abroad. What for, the "pursuit of...
See you need emoticons? Like all little boys? :p :p :p :p :p :p
Please shitslogic, cut that crap. Did Mayor Bloomberg and/or Governor Paterson turn Communist while I was feeding my dog? Yooooooopieeeee! You...
Hey, salamongolian, glad to see your pills finally arrived and your single neuron is back to life! How blissful it must be, never to have a...
Oh, come on you BullShitter665-and-tryin', what kind of ass-kissing is that? I was told you were a talented cocksucker, not a mean one! Rise the...
Hey joséslogic, the only ass around here is yours and guess what? I'm taking it!!! Entiende, amigo? :p :p :p :p :p So at least you can...
If nobody cares, then why you reply, you fucking asshole? By replying to me everyone can see that you, too, care a lot of what we users of Fugly...
Hey, dumbass, has the other cocksucker of salamean offered to teach you some plain English spelling & grammar yet? :) Or perhaps you're pretty...
Hmmm, after reading a few posts by shitslogic here and there... Dude, that skids-licker is honestly much more retard than what I thought possible....
Hey salamean, as a McDonald's chief fry clerk I warn you I could ruin forever your career with fellow TacoBell as a certified garbage bag...
Sorry to delude you, actually my wife (also American) found something funny here and emailed it to me. I then had a look at the site, and came...
Separate names with a comma.