WooHoo! A pal! Welcome to the sick world here.... but I gotta tell you; the people are rude and everyone ignores you.... Kinda like living with...
Me & my pal BizzyBee want some cum shots - so get out your webcams boys and get busy!! (Aw, c'mon! You do it all the time when we're NOT...
(Scratching head) - Sorry, can't place the name, but I would have remembered pulling some planks & nails outta my garage and hanging up some...
I think me'd like to Slappy on Joe - he sounds cute...... ------------------ Drunken Bugs are a menace to society! >:)>=<<
I got mine on my freakin' website - but if you wanna see what I look like "Fugly Style" - just go to the trailer park, man - I'm Cuzin Deneice.......
Ok - a freakin' pollack joke for ya: There's these 2 Polish dudes about to take the citizen test and the one guy is really worried... So he says...
I'd buy the video if it included lots of "money shots" - waddaya say Harlan - how's your aim, dude? ------------------ Drunken Bugs are a menace...
bored, and don't pay attention to anyone under fucking 30 anyway.... what the hell does she know from humor (you get that from the "school of...
Dear Murderer, Yes, yes, no, and no comment..... now you know.... ------------------ Drunken Bugs are a menace to society! >:)>=<<
How can you do it right if ya can't even spell it right???!!! Damn - get a freakin' vibrator, muthafucker!! (Candy is dandy, but liquor is...
Huh??? Wassis alls about anyways - hum??? ------------------ Drunken Bugs are a menace to society! >:)>=<<
Hey! Don't I know you from down the street? (No complaints here, man - but I'll help when you find some!!) ------------------ Drunken Bugs are...
I read this on the bathroom wall in college a long time ago (ok - not THAT long!): "There once was a hermit named Dave Who kept a dead whore in...
Because I'm a class-A certified psycho... Just tell me what you need, and I'll deliver (no, I'm NOT Domino's you dopes)... We're talking weird...
Separate names with a comma.