my pot head mama made a bong out of an Ensure bottle. WTF I have never understood why people smoke anything out of a devise. What is wrong with rolling papers? Why do people need big fancy glass bongs and crap - its harder to hide and is considered evidence / paraphernalia.
Smoother hit, not as harsh, more enjoyable? I always liked packing crushed ice and a little water not much for that smooth cold hit. I have not touched any pot though since early 90s. Would be nice to have some I think it might help me sleep.
you smoke ICE.... damn meth head .. just kiddin I was watching Poltergeist the other day...there was a part where the parents put the kids to bed and shared a joint. I wished I could do that, and go to sleep.
scardycat... plus risk of loosing DEA License... plus don't want to deal with pot people (coming to my house) and I would never drive with it.... plus I will eat every damn thing in my Im a mama now... blablabla
I like glass due to it's innate physical properties. I.E. The tendency of it to not induce tetanus ("lockjaw.") Or, the simplicity in cleaning the tobacco residue from said instrument via clean and simple means. Plus, it doesn't add any unwanted flavor to tobacco.
best way to clean, toss it in the Kiln for a cycle, 12 hours at 1050 degrees, makes it look like brand new. Granted it makes your shop smell like Joe and Barry just had butt sex in it.
I actually find that quite disturbing never have I considered that butt sex would stink up a room although it makes sense. It's Dwains knowledge of these things that I find disturbing.
Resin does stink. I don't know if it has an assholish smell or not. You know, you can always tell if someone smokes pot by their lighter. If it has black on the bottom or even better looks charred on the side, you know they smoke bowls.
well, if i knew what as "waterbong" was, I'd make you one. I would be more than happy to make you a stemless waterpipe, for filtration.
Glassblowers love customers like you, drop huge chunks of ice and smash the diffuser and have to buy a new one. I am smart, I put ice pinching viggaro's, so dipshits don't smash the perks, domes, or diffies.
Like this: Had a slider bowl I miss that damn thing, but it broke. I had another one for a while that looked like a big glass hammer but it got broken too. I always have preferred glass. Now I'd like to try vapor. I haven't smoked anything in a long time but I have been thinking about it.
wow, what a huge pile of imported dogshit. Think of the 8 year old slave labor who burned themselves, for 10 cents a day to feed there family.