Here's a standing offer (for as long as it lasts): Send me your mailing address and I'll ship you a standard 6oz. tin of Old Bay. All I want in return is for you to try it and report back here if you like it. There's no need to post your address here, just send it to me at jeffmezick at gmail and include your Fugly handle. No strings attached.
Oh. I guess it is the 21st century and all. I keep forgetting. I was going to send some out on the next stage coach but yeah, I guess you probably could just go to the store and buy some. Ok, so nevermind this thread.
The idea is good though. I think it would be cool to send local stuff around. I live on Nickles bread. I go through 2+ loaves a week (6 slices a day), but I think they only sell to a few states around here. You could lure me out of a coma with one of their cherry fruit rolls. I can eat the whole 6 pack in one sitting. Even their song makes me happy.
There's some stuff here called "Southern Flavor" made in Selma, AL that's for steak, fish, eggs, salad (according to the label) that I like. I assume it's not available outside a 200 miles radius. I guess that'd be my contribution.
I looked today, Jefe. It wasn't in the McCormick section with the spices. But I did find it in the freezer section by the shrimp, lobster and whatnot. However, I'm only 5-6 hours from Baltimore, so we'd probably have it anyway. Utz chips use it in their crab flavored chips. Anyone else familiar with Utz?