Sexy White girl admits it

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by monkeyboi, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. monkeyboi

    monkeyboi New Member

    You're mad at the wrong thing. Plus, denying it only shows you ARE AWARE. You already admitted knowing about the *RAPE ROLE PLAY*. History clearly shows the pervision and interest white culture has with the black male penis. I mean, everybody know it. The right thing to do is to pull it out and put it on the table for people to start talking about it. This is not just about the Knoxville brothers. This is about the young perverted girls, their parents and all black men.

    Being sexually revered is something we (black men) grow up with. So you can call it BS if you want; but, in your heart of hearts, you know it's true.
  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    don't you guys get it? this is some bored asshole white guy from brawl hall goading you guys on. this isn't some bubble lipped nigger trying ot instigate that all white girls are out to put knee-gore's in prison for rape and murder
  3. monkeyboi

    monkeyboi New Member

    Having big lips & such are the kinds of things all the rape lurers want.

    We've all heard of the Kinsey Institutes study of the authority of the black male penis. THIS IS A SICK & PERVERTED society we (blacks) live in.

    Then, they say: It's not just our size, it's our color too.

    Things like this only excite these underage white rape lures and other adult whites and (sometimes) young white boys. All that pretending is part of the Classic American Racial Psychosis that white people who like to play Stoopover and Rape & Kill Me play anyway. So, it's just as perverted already. That's what's not fair. Sometimes I think it's all one big game to white people and that they don't want help. They'd rather play denial in public and pervert when they come to the ghettoes. :mad:
  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    It's been fun fucking with his bullshit, but like I said in my last post - I'm out. It's grown stale.
  5. monkeyboi

    monkeyboi New Member


    I wish it were th at way with the rape lurers and their mothers! :eek: There was a mother a daughter team playing ***STOOPOVER*** on one of the main blocks today. Thinking about this forum, I went across the street and sat down to watch. The momma, a bombshell blonde - hair tinted a bit as they do - wore one of those new bra like tops and had one of those work out mini skirts on. From a distance, her daughter, blonde too, appeared to be of age. She couldn't have been over 11 or 12 years old, though. But you'd have to be close and know what to look for to tell something like that. Her momma had beefed and developed her body up well. Probably nothing but barly and oats and stuff can get an eleven or twelve year old to look like that. Standing on teh sidewalk in front of resturant known for a lot of cross traffic on Fridays, they were just doing the ***USUAL HANG OUT***. Several sets of brothers passed before the first STOOPOVER went down when some nigz from the Stix passed. The main brother, who known around the hood as Bigger, is a 3 time loser and always sports that penitentiary fade. When they got close, unabashedly, the little girl, well trained dropped her toy barbie as she play attempted to hand it to her momma. When Bigger got behind her, she turned and stooped over to pick it up. I watched the mother fling her hair a bit. She then pulled the keys from her purse and hit her car alarm. The nigz, all 4 of them had already stopped on their own. They knew what the mother and daughter team was doing. I just got up and shook my head. :mad:
  6. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member


    Give it a rest, already.

    Go bitch at a forum that gives a fuck.
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