Sexy White girl admits it

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by monkeyboi, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Charlie didnt know the 'rules' to make it look right. Monkeyboi should have sent him the 'national alert'.
  2. monkeyboi

    monkeyboi New Member

    I am black. But who cares what you think. That you have the audacity to presume I'm otherwise b/c of spelling and ect is rooted in the Classic American Racial Psychosis we discussed. You all are VERY good sports! While marginally demeaning, this exchange has been fruitful. Blacks aren't what you see on BET, Bill Cosby and/or Boyz In Da Hood. Blacks are me. Albeit, to some, I might be judged atypical. I HAVE SEEN BROTHERS GET CAUGHT UP IN THE RAPE LURES. Once, while in college, there was a young rape lurer on the campus. She purported herself to be of age. Some brothers got caught up with her. I kept my distance. SHE DID REPORT IT AND TRIED TO TAKE ALL THE BROTHERS DOWN. She intentionally misrepresented herself and, just as the girl in the original post stated, wanted to do the rape role play thing with blacks.

    Not withstanding, you all are terrific. I'm a web head. When I saw the National Warning, it was the most exciting thing I'd seen online in a while! Brothers are buzzing about it every where, now.

  3. monkeyboi

    monkeyboi New Member

    Anyway, I do think black people migrated to earth from Mars. There is some ancient Islamic literature (Nation of Islam - Black Muslim) that attests to this. We destroyed Mars and were able to get a seed to the earth. The Ozone layer around the earth kept us from being what we were on Mars - supern?gz.

    I am concerned b/c my nephews report being accousted by young (white) girls in school who have these notions. Society's influences always encourages brothers to *go on and get it* but girls are wanting to be killed now. I don't know if they aren't perceiving that when they are dead they don't get to come back. Then, the brothers are put into the akward position of feelling like they are punks if they don't want to do what the girls say and rape and kill them. So its a lose lose situation. I say its better to keep your head (no pun inteneded) in the books and go to college! Its better to be a webhead than on death row for a rape lure.
  4. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I am forever banning myself from this insane, idiotic thread.
  5. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    I think that's a good idea banning oneself from this thread. I will do likewise, because whether he is black, white, green or purple my dick needs a rest from the jerk job he has been performing on us all for so long.
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I didn't think you were white because you could spell. If spelling were an indicator of race, we'd all think Dwaine and Phatboy were black.

    My point was that Charles Manson tried to start a race war by trying to pin murders that the family carried out on blacks. So if someone comes in here and starts posting racist shit against whites naturally one would assume that that person posting was black and then they would get all 'white pride' on their ass. It's a pretty clever tactic to use if that was your goal.
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    And why would you tag "troll" on this thread? That's exactly what you are.
  8. monkeyboi

    monkeyboi New Member

    Trolls have a cause. They aren't Web Vermin.

    This VERY post may have saved some lives. There may have been whites who saw it and now know what the disease is. Too, some blacks could have seen it and now know what to look for.
  9. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Mental note:

    "If I were a white woman, I should maintain an upright posture at all times, so that I don't fool some fucking
    negro into thinking I want them to rape me, kill me, and then desecrate my inanimate corpse."

    And then anticipate my rapist using the ol'
    "Bitch was asking for it"
    excuse when the moron is finally caught.

    Does that just about sum it up?

    Do you feel better having warned women everywhere to be on the lookout for Negro predators that might take a woman bending over in public the wrong way?

    I'm glad you feel vilified.

    Now, get lost. We've no room for any racists on this forum, asshole. :rolleyes:
  10. monkeyboi

    monkeyboi New Member

    I'm afraid you taken this all the wrong way and aren't' seeing it clearly at all. These girls are out with their mothers in ghetto neighborhoods getting schooled on how to stoop over on the side walk when dangerous looking blacks are passing.

    This is the problem! The mothers bring their daughters out (sometimes only 8,9 or 10 years old) pantiless and inappropriately dressed in those short skirts. From the girls' looks, it appears the mothers are feeding them lots of barley and such. For, physically they are mature.

    Then, as the brothers pass, the mothers show their girls how to play drop some coins or something and then turn around, stoop over and slowly pick them up. THIS IS WHAT'S HAPPENING ON THE STREETS! :eek:

    Sometimes there are white boys with their daddies out dressed in inappropriate tight and high shorts like they like to wear playing stoop over too. :eek:

    They always offer lots of money when the brothers ask if they need some help picking up whatever they've play dropped. They always ask: have you eaten; or: can I drop you anywhere. These are the signals these rape lurers use.:eek:

    Then, they get the brothers somewhere private and want the brothers to rob and sexually abuse them. All the time saying how they want to pay to get the full black sexual experience. :eek:

    So this post was out of genuine concern for both blacks and whites.

    I hope that helps to clear up some of the confusion.
  11. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    As my dear old mother used to say, "You're so full of shit you could make the grass grow green". Now go play drop the soap with your black "Gangsta Fag" buddies. Have a nice Father's day
  12. monkeyboi

    monkeyboi New Member

    You're embarrassed and angry, BullGod. I don't blame you. It's a shameful thing to have to speak and warn people of. I agree, it is VERY, VERY bad. But I think the National Alert IS helping some. Most white people hadn't diagnosed this as part of the CARP (Classic American Racial Psychosis) and didn't know how to address the feeling. Virile brothers who didn't know to call these type of people RAPE LURERS have a better understanding too. I HAVE SEEN A LITTLE BETTER REACTION IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD. The Black Foot Soldiers here posted the flyers on a lot of the busy streets.
  13. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    Maybe you misread my statement. It went like this "YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT"
  14. monkeyboi

    monkeyboi New Member

    No, no. I didn't misread your statement. You meant exactly what I said; and I think we both know it. What I'm stressing is that there's no need to stress the shame. THAT IS WHY YOU ARE ANGRY. IT IS OBVIOUS. But the important thing here is saving lives both black and white! It is not you and how you FEEL!
  15. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Honestly - If these are the first thoughts when you see a white woman bending over, then you have some SERIOUS fucking issues.

    I'm not even going to address each topic you mentioned, as I'm convinced that one of two things are at play here:

    1) You're fucking stupid enough to believe the inane drivel you're posting, and seriously have a concern.


    2) Perhaps there exists an exclusive clan of 'wimmen' that happen to have a predilection for dark meat, and they train their daughters to entice negro rapists, at the expense of their own lives.

    Either way, I'm formally calling you as being completely and unashamedly FULL OF SHIT.

    By the way - and I'm being serious (and honest - something you should look into,) there's this black girl at work I'm getting to know, and I think there might be some relationship potential there... There's definitely something there, and I honestly think she's as interested in me as I am in her...

    Being an Anglo male, should I ask her to rape and kill me just to further my interaction with her? :confused:
  16. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I think you misunderstood the abbreviation...

    The technical term for what you're trying to say is "Classic Racial American Psychosis."

    For short:

  17. monkeyboi

    monkeyboi New Member


    This is about the inappropriateness of underage white girls targeting ghetto brothers to rape and kill them. This is about the inappropriateness of the (white) mothers who bring their little girls to the 'hood and teach them how to play STOOPOVER and PLAY RAPE. This is about the culture that has taught the perverted fetish that BLACK MALE SEXUALITY is about PAIN, VIOLENCE & ABUSE.


    BTW..., I am only familiar with white girls, women, boys and men coming to the ghetto to play White Stoopover for black males.

    I have read, though, that fairskinned people who acquaint themselves with *happy blacks* reduce their chances of getting things like skin cancers and melanomas. So, you might want to keep that in mind.
  18. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I'll be fair here--I've had women in the past that get off to the fantasy of being raped. It's called 'role play' and it's performed with a trusted companion. We'd establish "safe words" that would only be muttered if it got to be too violent, painful, or if there were that remote chance that her airway were blocked for a sufficient period of time, there'd be a gesture. Plus, if you're into that sort of thing, you can fairly well ascertain that when your partner starts to turn purple, it's probably time to let up and give them a breath of air.

    But, when you talk about mothers bringing their prepubescent daughters over to the 'hood, to teach them how to be raped--one seriously has to raise an eyebrow. First of all, in the *HIGHLY UNLIKELY* situation that a mother is trying to get their child raped, they're going to try and implicate some lawyer or self-made millionaire, so that they get their 'fair compensation' for the 'pain and suffering' their child had to endure. They're not going to go down to the projects in search of a lien on some broke brotha's welfare check. :rolleyes:

    Most mothers that don't care about their offspring, like the ones you've described, have already taken care of their children in a rather appropriate way. Abortion.

    That's highly likely, especially when there's six feet of dirt and a coffin lid between them and the Sun's UV rays.
  19. monkeyboi

    monkeyboi New Member

    Lomotil, The problem is there's a SICK new PERVERSION going around where these girls want to be sexually abused and killed by blacks. Their mothers, in some cases, want this too. We are not talking about Trailer Park Girls! These women, girls and boys and men have money to spend and reputations. Yet, for the chance at becoming the new white nationalism black on white crime poster child like Channon Christian, these girls, women, boys and men want more than ROLE PLAY RAPE & SLAYING. :eek:


    So, they are appealing to a weakness in ghetto brothers too. Then, some brothers probably just indulge them for the satisfaction. I don't know. BUT IT IS GOING ON AND IT IS A GROWING SOCIAL PROBLEM!

    Thanks for playing fair.

    MonkeyBoi -
  20. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Well, if that's the case, then let the bitches get raped and killed. After all, you're saying they want it, right? I'm sorry, but I don't remember a 'Martyr audition' being held lately... Are you sure you're not just talking out of your ass to get these degenerate, sloppy, stupid fucking assholes out of their charges?

    I'm playing COMPLETELY and ABHORRENTLY fair when I formally call you on your bullshit, and vow to not fuel any more of your inane rage towards whatever hand life dealt you. Get over your racial tendencies, forget about the BS concerning white women and their desire to be killed, and just take a fucking bullet to the cranium, will ya?

    I can honestly say, you're the most pathetic sentient life form I've ever encountered. Good luck in life - you'll fucking need it.

    -Lomo out.

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