emotions ?

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Russian Derrick, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. Russian Derrick

    Russian Derrick New Member

    What's the deal with emotions ?
    One day I feel ok , the next minute I wake up covered in my own faeces surrounded by empty vodka bottles only to find iv lost my job ,my girlfriends left me , I live on a park bench and feel slightly negative.
    What's all that about ?
  2. ghostman

    ghostman New Member

    russian dee i am an emotianally disabled man i find.sad but true..i dnt feel emotion no more.nt after my step dad used to batter me an lock me in the cupboard under the stairs an burned me with cigarettes.i finally stood up to him wen i was 14 an beat the shit out of him with a bit off cut down scaffold pole..my mum kicked me out for it an i was forced to live in an alleyway fr 7 months.was fuckin horrible man.wen u live in hell,an the love u once had at the start of life starts to end,thats wen u die inside..

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