You are all just a bunch of people hating, non-stop complain

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by FunBobby, Oct 24, 2000.

  1. FunBobby

    FunBobby New Member

    This is my first time on this site, and i think its brilliant its really very kewl, the part that ruined it is when i came into the forums and saw simply a bunch of racist (i hate niggers) predjudiced (i hate the poor) and weird (i murder children) people who all seem to have grudges to bear on just about everyone and everything,

    whats the story!!!

    can some1 please prove me wrong here......if that is possible...

    on an alternative note some of you are funny if not a bit insane :p

    "Im going to thrash you to within an Inch of your life....and then take that Inch
  2. d4ta_fukin_ang3ld

    d4ta_fukin_ang3ld New Member

    I have come to terms in my life that it does infact take different strokes to move the world...what i am saying funboy is that as well you might not agree with the dood who hates the poor or the one who murders children but your critique of them is unwarranted because you yourself ..gleem a judging eye...which makes you no different, so what they all complain and hate, Not everyone can be giddy..i guess what i am trying to say is joke em if they can't take a fuck..right...

    He who is flogged by fate and laughs the louder is a masochist.
  3. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    you want to know what makes me hold a grudge? Politically correct coksmokers like yourself, that hold there standards above people like me. Mr. I vted democratic, so Im a good person, Mr. I love Gays and blacks and latinos, just as long as they don't move next door... basically I think what Im trying to say here is (And DATA help me out here if im wrong) is <fontsize = 7>FUCK YOU!!!</font> Thank you and god bless
  4. OllieRetard

    OllieRetard New Member

    "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say it" --Voltaire

    ... or something like that
  5. Kill the Poor

    Kill the Poor New Member

    "I hate the poor"? Oh my god, you fucking moron! Kill the Poor is the name of a song by the Dead Kennedys! It's a bit sarcastic. Get some fucking taste.
  6. OllieRetard

    OllieRetard New Member

    The thought of Jello Biafra makes me hungry. I wish I had a name that was food. I would be a much happier person. Perhaps Veal Cutlet or Pork Roast would be appropriate. I knew a man called James Curry and whenever we met, my stomach growled. I also know a woman who boasts that she can french a pork tenderloin.
  7. d4ta_fukin_ang3ld

    d4ta_fukin_ang3ld New Member

    Firstly kudos to Mr. Murder My Children..i think you nailed his liberal disposition to that cross...Secondly ...just so it is known..i knew kill the poor was dk well i was too drunk to fuck..Well normally i like to keep my posts lite and even fluffy at times...but the point I M C made is actually one that holds valor...the one about how people say they aren't predjudice or etc etc..then when those same people who they say they aren't predjudiced against move into their community those fukin assholes complain..."oh we aren't predjudiced, they are just decreasing our property value" Bullshit...We aren't all that different...some people just say what they feel...whether i agree or's not for me too judge... gd ...Malibu Beach party come i could never go..? Barbi she had it all together, she always knew what to say and what to do...still ... I don't throw my barbi dolls in the ocean, cus they are gonna come back to manipulate me..

    He who is flogged by fate and laughs the louder is a masochist.
  8. d4ta_fukin_ang3ld

    d4ta_fukin_ang3ld New Member

    Oh ok i am thru now...anyways have fun bobbing.... or slobbing ..

    I HATE NAGGERS New Member

    BunBobby..fuck you.
    As it is my Birthday today (really) as a gift to myself I hope you choke to death on your dad's cock today.
  10. FunBobby

    FunBobby New Member

    ok, hmmmm heh

    apologies to "Kill the poor" ;-) my mistake,

    other comments i made were taken up wrongly, i was trying to ascertain for curiosity purposes whether you people just had sarcastic names (as was the case for kill the poor) or actualy felt genuine about the points ur names were making, hence i asked "whats the story" i.e. are all u all genuinely insane or incredibly intelligently sarcastic!!!

    BUT i will say this....

    The whole "those who say they are not prejudiced are really the REAL prejudiced people" crap that alot of people who actually ARE prejudiced use as their excuse for being that way, well that point of view in no way holds water....its a poor excuse for people looking to find fault with everything else and to vindicate themselevs in the process.

    Though some of you might not believe it for reasons i know not, and nor do i care to makes attempts to guess why.. BUT.. there ARE people out there who are not prejudiced, who genuinely do not see racial differences, and are generally what might be called normal in a conformicist society, now far be it from me to halt your attempts to make degrading comments about these "perfect people" with 2.4 children "the societal norm if you will", but it seems to me that that is not what any of you were doing.

    Whats more... calling me politically correct and saying that i myself believe myself to be above you is wrong, i dont in any manner of speaking believe myself to be above you..
    for i also judge, but i hate POEPLE, not races or nationalities, and if that makes me politically correct to you, well then so be it......but i dont think so, i agree with data in that the world can be moved in many ways, not just in a conformicist society

    as for "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say it" --Voltaire
    ... or something like that" - well you are quite right, but again i say that i was not, hampering anyones attaempt to be or say what they want,

    well there ya go, ;-) except to say, happy birthday to 'I hate niggers', and to say to DATA, that the reason you never went to any of those malibu beach parties, is not your fault, but merely the fault of the short-sighted people who run them merely believing that they themselves and the people in their "class" are the only people worth inviting - and theirs is the loss m8

    "Im going to thrash you to within an Inch of your life....and then take that Inch
  11. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    yeah you make a good point... just wait until LT jackson reads this... he ussually wakes from a crack stuper in the mid morn and walks to the public library to use a PC.. I think he might agree with you... Like I told I hate Niggers... Laugh now, cry later
  12. d4ta_fukin_ang3ld

    d4ta_fukin_ang3ld New Member

    Just have fun bobby..thats all you really want...I will support your free frolic ness ... as long as you make checks payable to... blah blah ..

    He who is flogged by fate and laughs the louder is a masochist.
  13. Hollz

    Hollz New Member

    Im all for having fun d4ta but frankly this is the wrong way to go about it.
    The creatures who post the disturbing nonsense about murder/rape/racism etc on this site are frankly cowards.
    Yes you heard me correctly...COWARDS!
    In reality,thats outside of a monitor folks,you people would be on the recieving end of some quite painfull retribution
    Try practicing some of what you preach in real life people and send me some pics of the resulting bodily harm to yourselves.
    Now that would be fun.
  14. Dead_Girls_Cannot_Say_No

    Dead_Girls_Cannot_Say_No New Member

    Ok so what crawled up ur ass and choked on ur shit (aka brains) wtf. this is a forum to express things that might not be culturally accepted but this is the perfect place to preach what can or even should be practiced. Just remember that where one person lives might not have the same sociological standards as the already "fucked up" US. This is a forum with little rules or regulations and if you dont like it try AOL forums u dumb fuck.

    it is so true they cannot say anything they are dead =รพ
  15. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hollz:
    Im all for having fun d4ta but frankly this is the wrong way to go about it.
    The creatures who post the disturbing nonsense about murder/rape/racism etc on this site are frankly cowards.
    Yes you heard me correctly...COWARDS!
    In reality,thats outside of a monitor folks,you people would be on the recieving end of some quite painfull retribution
    Try practicing some of what you preach in real life people and send me some pics of the resulting bodily harm to yourselves.
    Now that would be fun.

    I do practice it everyday. Hell Im on probation for a firearm charge. Its people like you that are too chickenshit to investagte topics, and draw your own conclusion, then think for themselves which is ma chicken shit. Now if you cant laugh at rape, or killing a child with an axe, then why the fuck are you at I agree.. go take your self-rightious bullshit to AOL and give yourself a great big pat on the back for making the world a better place.
  16. Hollz

    Hollz New Member

    You practice none of which you allegedly preach.
    On probation for a firearms charge?
    Whoopty fucking doo.
    Fact is fugly does not promote rape etc its specimens such as yourself who attempt to glamorize situations which you do not in fact participate in(thank god)on a daily basis.
    You are in fact as you say chickenshit to admit that you live a healthy minded lifestyle in case your prepubesent friends dissaprove.
    as ever have a good one weirdos
  17. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Hey hollz you know what the best part about fucking a 5 year old is? watching them breakdown on the witness stand
  18. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    hey hollz, I have a new pick up line for girls... tell me if you think it will work, I just drive up and say (in a sexy voice)
    "GET IN THE CAR BITCH! I GOT A GUN!!!". What do you think?
  19. The Desacrator

    The Desacrator New Member

    I like to fuck fat chicks. If you get bored you can flip them over and mash the pimples on their ass!***Nothing Sacred, No One Spared***
  20. The Desacrator

    The Desacrator New Member

    I like to fuck fat chicks. If you get bored you can flip them over and mash the pimples on their ass!***Nothing Sacred, No One Spared***

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