X3 is pretty cool.

Discussion in 'Games' started by TheGrimJesus, Mar 4, 2006.

  1. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    I picked it up, The graphics on the ships and things are the shit. The game play is really open ended as far as what you can do. Its kind of like Elder Scrolls in space.

    The only thing is there is no tutiorl when you start. The just dump you in space with your ship lol. But I have had fun with it so far. I picked it up because I been missing some xwing tie fighter action.
  2. SPOooOn

    SPOooOn New Member

    is it like xwing ? or that newer n64 crap. whats it called again . .
  3. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Its a cross between Xwing Frontier and Elder Scrolls in space!

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