She'll probably get out of doing much time by claiming that he abused her or something. It'll be like the Menendez brothers, but it'll work because she's a girl.
Stabbed her father 107 times and she got 25 years. That's 3 months per puncture wound. Seems a bit low to me.
Oh yeah, you're right. If she did it at 40 she should get 25 years. But if she does it at 15 she should get 50. :roll:
She stabbed a man 107 times. What are the odds that she's going to be "re-habilitated" from that type of value system?
If it had been some random guy I'd be more inclined to agree with you. However, this was her father. Who knows what really went on between them? And 25 years is a long time.
She will be out in probably 7 years. Unless the judge gave her two consecutive sentences 25 years for one charge then 1 day for the other charge. She cannot have completed the second charge till the first one is completed. But if the two charges were concurrent then they just blend together. The law is so stupid sometimes. Multiple, concurrent, consecutive sentences, and time off for good behavior all play a role. One simple word in the judge’s ruling can make all of the differences in many cases. Of course this is just as I remember it working at the jail over ten years ago. With time laws change not to mention different states have different laws.
I'm familiar with all of that as well. She'll do half of her time, tops. She'll have plenty of time to stab someone else.
Fuck, I'm impressed how you two know her so well. And yet strangely, before I googled her name you didn't even realise she'd been caught and convicted. :roll: