Woman dies in convenience store after no one helps her

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nauseous, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    People are FUCKED.

    On June 23rd, a 27 year old Wichita, Kansas woman lay stabbed and bleeding inside a convenience store.

    Wichita police say surveillance video shows shoppers going about their business, not even trying to help or call 911 for a full two minutes.

    They won't release the video tape.

    According to the Wichita Eagle, "no fewer than five store patrons stepped over her to complete purchases."

    The video shows the woman "struggling to her feet and collapsing three times without anyone helping her," and one woman who stepped over the victim four times while shopping eventually took a "photo of her with a cell phone."

    "If people would have been calling us, who knows what the outcome might have been," the Eagle quotes Wichita Police Chief Norman Williams.

    The victim, Lashonda Calloway died at the hospital.

    "It's sickening', that's really what it is it's sickening," Calloway's aunt Sherry Conner said.

    "Not to help her, not to help her, but they'll have to answer to God, they'll have to answer to God for whatever they did. Someday one of their loved ones might need some help and if someone did their loved ones like that, it's a feeling that's not nice."

    Psychologist Dr. Molly Allen says a phenomenon called group think may have taken over.

    "That's where if somebody doesn't step in to render assistance then the entire group might get the message that for some reason it's not okay to render assistance or that this is less than an emergency," Allen said.

    Whatever the reason, Conner says it's inexcusable, only made worse by what she says are pictures taken from that cell phone now posted on the internet.

    "It's not funny and it ain't cute to put a lifeless person on the internet. This person lost her life, she got three kids," Conner said.

    The store's owner said the store was very busy at the time and she doesn't believe her employee saw that Calloway needed help.
  2. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    That's psychobabble bullshit. People don't help anyone anymore because the world has become so self involved. If anything it's a ME Complex. If it doesn't benefit me fuck it.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    If handguns were illegal.... nah that’s not it.

    I did not see the video, pictures, or article yet. But it was a black neighborhood. 99 percent democrat precinct. And with a large percentage or persons on government assistance.

    People don't help people it is up to the government to help people.

    Bush failed us again better elect Hillary.
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Anyone hear of Kitty Genovese?

    Catherine Susan Genovese (July 7, 1935 — March 13, 1964), commonly known as Kitty Genovese, was a New York City woman who was stabbed to death near her home in the Kew Gardens section of Queens, New York. The circumstances of her murder and the apparent reaction (or lack thereof) of her neighbors were reported by a newspaper article published two weeks later and prompted investigation into the psychological phenomenon that became known as the bystander effect or "Genovese syndrome."

  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yep different but same scenario.

    Where is it at on this map.

    It was a little different here in that any one of the tenants could each surely have assumed that someone else was already calling the police.

    Those spineless big government types want someone to take care of their every whim. Sad when some rouge assailant comes in and pulls a stunt like that and they would not lift a finger why because it is not their responsibility.

    They should have come in the next night draped a massive canvas over the building and fumigated it.
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I kinda wonder what I would do? You know, thinking that someone probably has already called the police.

    I am terrible in a crisis situation. Years ago when I worked at the front desk of a hotel, I got a call from someone screaming, "There is a baby drowning in the pool! Call 911!" And I couldn't manage it. I pointed at the guest phone and calmly repeated what the woman had just screamed at me. I went into slowmo and luckily someone was there to make the call. The little girl died anyway. It took FOREVER for the paramedics to arrive. Maybe they were stuck in slowmo too?
  7. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Joe do the Neocons pay you? If not they should.

    You could turn anything into an us vs them argument.
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    you do not think they should have fumigated?

    It's like I'm Obewonkinobe, and its the force of good against evil and the battle never ends Grim.
  9. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Joe you're a smart guy. I just wish you would wake up and stop toting the party line. Not everything is red & blue.

    Evil Vs. Good is about as real as god or the Easter bunny.

    Man as a whole is an inherent evil creature. We are selfcenterered creatures with a "god" Complex.

    You have to realize that we came a long way in 100K years. But the regression in the 50 is very telling that we play to our nature.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I don't get it. I mean are you saying there is no good and that there is no evil?

    And if there is a good and there is an evil. Then are you saying that good is not necessarily good and evil is not necessarily bad?

    What you are saying does not make sense.

    Maybe the point is that people’s versions of good and evil is distorted. If that is the case I’ll give you a great big ass HELL YEAH!

    You’re always down on religion like it’s the corner stone of you’re very being that all “Grim Philosophy” is centered around.

    Let me tell you a secret fuck religion all to hell. There done with now that we have cleared that up let’s just agree that religion sucks. Religion is a man made product; religion is another person’s interpretation. Looking around for some (enter name here) well known religious figure to fuckup to validate your opinion in life is not a hard thing to do. Why not loose the hang-up and just make up your own mind.

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