Will the dollar capitulate in 2007?

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smurfslappa, Jan 1, 2007.

  1. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

  2. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    No it wont. You have to remember that the dollar is owned by a private group of shady critters that can print as much as they like of the stuff. Countries such as China would see their savings seriously diminished by crippeling US economy. Even during this period the economy has grown, thanks to all the weapons used in Iraq and Afghanistan. As long as good men and women are willing to sacrifice their mental equilibrium and the lives of foreigners, US economy is safe. Some might think USA has been unlucky with some of your presidents. Not so. They dance and keep you happy. Anyone seriously believe that the most well-armed nation on the planet would be lead by an "elite" C-student that maybe was a fighterpilot and surely was a cheerleader ? Anyone believe that Mrs Pelosi would choose a bum with absolutely no knowledge about USAs enemies to lead your inteligence comitee ? Go ask Barry. Evil is a force that is supernatural and there is this anti-god somewhere that runs it. So rest asured that this has got nothing to do with you and that the dollar is safe from both competition and democracy.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The economy is as strong as ever in the U.S. however now that the Democrats are in charge it will not be for long as soon as they get their hands on the budget. It is not rocket science they will do pretty much the same thing they always have. Take their pork off of the top end and start shelling out the money. After they have spent everything then they will demand a tax increase. Usually they hold hostage Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and education for the end and let the news media take it from there informing the public that the "mean old conservatives" hate old people and care not for the poor destitute and the uneducated. This year instead they will do a combination of that as well as the war budget. The balance will be decided by some well placed misinforming news clips followed by opinion polls.

    Although this will fly directly in the face of logic since the deficit is actually decreasing due to the Bush tax cuts. That is not what Katie Curic, Dan Rather, Brian Williams, Matt Lauer and the rest will tell every one.

    In the end they will get a tax increase and because of it the economy will start to falter as it has in the past. The markets are already a little edgy for fear of what the Dems will screw up.

    The important thing right now is that the media has to convince the people that the economy was in dire straights before the Demoncrats came to power rather than after. Then after they ruined the economy by early to mid 2007 and say it was on the way already in 2006 they will actually run on an economy ticket in 2008.

    Just remember facts are a bitch they are what they are and quite simply lowering taxes ALWAYS increases production as well as government revenue. Raising taxes ALWAYS has just the opposite effect. And given that Bush started with a recession and was slapped with a terrorist attacks costing billions, hurricanes costing billions, a war to defend the country costing billions and that cost exacerbated by Demoncraps and media working with all their power to sabotage the efforts of our brave troops doubling the difficulty as well as the cost. In spite of all of this Bush tax cuts have reduced the time considerably to cut the federal deficit.
  4. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Joe, if the economy crumbles this year it'll be because it was already well on its way.
  5. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    "The market is as strong as ever" only they fear the democrats. You might be the brightest pebble in the pond , but you just cant swim can you Joe ? With your analytical skill you fit right into this shameful and bloody and utterly clumsy part of american history. What the heck ever, could they use you for in the forces ?l But you are an independent right ? Not a neo-con. Your head just bristles with original and independent ideas. I bet the socialists that controll media consider you a dangerous man, the way your eloquence and wit strikes the beast right to the heart. Try reading some Victor Hanson. His work might not hold academic standards, but his naive simplifications are still contained within a rational frame.

    The theory that taxation is detrimental to personal and public wealth is a good theory, if you can see its edges. Federal support to industries would be difficult without taxmoney. Active support of vital industry has created many of the most powerfull and inovative companies around.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Look you do not have to be a great prophet with psychic abilities to be able to trend what has happened in the past. Facts are a bitch and we can compare the snapshot.


    The strategy is simple Bad things work to their advantage as well as anything good that could possibly happen. There is no doubt they will raise taxes that is as sure as the sun will rise in the East. The economy is like a rubber band it is moving along after those taxes are raised it will start slowing momentum. The media will take it from there. They desire a recession by 2008 and it is likely they will cause one. The spin however will be that the caused a recession.

    I make it real simple to understand and I'm no great magician. You will see it happen then either you will agree with my line of thinking -or- you are severely disillusioned.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  8. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Ok Joe ! Thanks for a nice response. I see a potentially great boon in a recession or better, a controlled adjustment of the market and the production machinery. Society just spends to much energy on to much fuzz and to little real. That can improve through a crisis. As for taxes that will be udes for educating the american population and future taxpayer is a sound longterm investment.

    NO matter our petty bickering about models and responsibilities, your focus on this article creates a rather precise scene of things to come and the decisions we face as human beings. Greg BEar wrote a good book called "Darwin " something..., About a government sponsored genetically improved new bread of man. IS this a crime ? To create better humans ? Is it a crime to want, and seek, offspring that can improve the human and planetary condition ? That can live lives with less disease and if not happier themselves, then maybe increasing happiness overall ?

    A certain moral conservatism ,( x GWBush ), seems inclined to want a restraint on research and developement. I do not think it is possible to choose away existing routes of science and research. Both U.S compaines ( Maybe overseas ), and foreign gov will pursue this line.

    So I guess I am all for these opportunities. How to limit abuse and say whats right and wrong like here is difficult. If she becomes a strong adult, that will certainly limit her freeedoms a lot.

    What do you think ?
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I think in general you are right on balance for what you are saying about medical research but that really is the "Frozen in time" thread sorry to side track.

    But I have little problem with genetic research it is how it is implemented. And as for embrionic stem cell research for instance there is a LOT of missinformation pushed by the scientific community regarding this based purely on speculation of the potential. There has been a lot of breakthroughs in this area mostly using Adult stem cells.

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