Why terrorists should be tried in Military Tribunals

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Nov 10, 2006.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Rather than in the U.S. Court system.

    So far several terrorists have tied of court time trying to argue weather evidence gathered against them is un constitutional. Most recently Truck driver Iyman Faris currently serving a 20 year sentence for conspiring to take down the Brooklyn bridge. The judge threw out the terrorists claim. But its ridicules that we should have to bother. The fact he would be given a 20 year sentence rather then being executed for treason is an insult.
  2. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    If a Terrorist is an American Citizen then yes he should be tried in the U.S. Court System. That is his right end of story.

    If their not a US Citizen then take them outback and shoot them for all I care.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Well looks like the U.S. Court System failed us on this one. how many failures for you will equal compelling reasoning?

    You are taking the "end of story" position.

    That’s like "If the glove don't fit you must acquit".

    Or the typical defense lawyer tactic to imply that there is a president the jurors must follow.

    Fact of the matter is if we are at war and the person in question is in this case conspiring with the enemy against our country. If the person recently swore allegiance to our country to gain citizenship then that certainly make his citizenship null and void doesn't it?

    I say try him in a tribunal after verdict is reached and punishment executed then give the American court system his lifeless body to try.
  4. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Yes and a Jury of OJ's peers found him not guilty. Like it or not he was found not guilty so he is.

    Lets not forget Joe the Declaration of Indepence gives the American Citizens the right to raise up against the government if they feel they are not doing the right thing.

    With your Logic the Founding Fathers where Terrorist. If your an American Citizen you have rights no matter how fucked up the court system is.

    You can bitch and moan all you want, If you did something wrong and they decided to move your trial to a military tribunal and strip you of all your rights you would raise a bitch fit.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    So if the jury said that the world was not round but rather a plate and one could be at risk of falling over the edge if they sailed the ocean. Would that mean the world is a plate?

    After having made that silly statement you then turn around 180 degrees and say:

    So why are you bitching about my right to point out the countries faults?

    Our founding fathers had it right then. So lets gather up arms and take justice unto our more capable hands, I'm all for it Grim. I'm not so sure I want you on the team though while it’s evident you have a stomach. I'm not so sure you have the stomach to deal with what has to be done now.

    You know something Grim I would not commit a treasons act such as that. And as far as the Military tribunals, I have the same mentality as for say the death sentence. Every once in a while you get one wrong that’s the price for protection. I'd go to my grave defending my honor and believing none the less in the system. You see Grim I have looked at death in the eye before in the name of protecting my country without flinching. Doing it in the states is just the same. And I do not give a shit about the other guy as long at a best effort was given regarding the pursuit of justice.
  6. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Joe the world being flat and round is taking the argument well out of the spectrum context we where in.

    A jury of your peers is the way we decide things. 12 people take the evidence in front of them and make a choice. That's how it works.

    As much as I think OJ did it, It does not change the fact they found him not guilty so he's not guilty.

    Also don't question my stomach. I will fight for what I believe in. Also you might think me being in the Air Force is not serving or whatever you might want to. I was Security Police and I did my time with honor and left with honor and was proud to do so. I don't question the service you preformed in the Military nor disrespect your service show me the same respect between Military Men. We will leave that at that I hope.

    As far as the rest of the post your grasping at straws. The only rights I'm concerned with is American Citizens. They have the right to be tried in our court system. They can do what they will with anyone else.

    When you ignore the basic rights of Constitution you might as well throw the thing out. You can't pick and choice what you like and use it as you will as Bush has done.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    pfffft there you've gone and did it again. Why are you butchering the constitution up like that the parts I appreciate you don’t agree with. Then you run to it on one issue and that is regarding the court system.

    How about the idea that the judges are supposed to do one thing and one thing only? And that I will inform you is to interpret the law not create the law.

    The judges went outside of their constitutional (you know the constitution you fine oh so very sacred and important) authority in ruling on military tribunals.

    But I'm sure its ok with you to pick and choose.

    As for the Air force part WTF are you talking about? I’m saying that if I used my constitutional right to form a militia to protect myself and fellow citizens I would definitely keep you away from any idea what so ever was going on. I’m sure you would be the first to run to the terrorist sympathetic news networks and report all activity the first time I gleaned some good intelligence from a terrorist on our soil. You’re like that kid when I was growing up that would want to hang out with us and when ever we did something fun would remind us that it may not be right and that you were going to consult with your mommy.
  8. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Good thing you don't have a fucking CLUE about who I am Joe. I was the kid who was drinking a 5th by 16 driving the muscle car and fucking some other guys mother.

    Don't start judging to much you might seem even more Christen then you probably already are.
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Sure Grim well you don’t worry your pretty little head then go scuttle off to drink another 5th and drive a muscle car on over to the convalescent home and find a date. Everything will be fine.
  10. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Yes we will all sleep better at night when you get a life. But feel free to live thru me.
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You should start a blog Grim I'll be your biggest fan.
  12. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Why blog when you own your own forum
  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I bet there's a constant flurry of activity with sawing, hammering and drilling sounds coming from Joe's basement just now. And shopping lists stuck to his fridge door with such unusual items as...ball gags, shackles, cattle prod, 10 inch skewers...
  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    why would he need a shopping list?.. all he needs is to register the construction of his torture basement with his local neighbourhood watch and they'll deliver a starter pack of implements
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Please don't post that link again my eyes are still burning and my stomach is still turning.
  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    That's not too far fetched considering the nazi style informant police state is fully taking shape.


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